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yorkshire christmas munch 6th december confirmation needed

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1 watcher
the munch is open to all regulars in either the forums or the chat roomsand who joined before 31st july 2008,however, should places still be available nearer to the time i will open this up to others who joined after this date so long as they have become regular posters/chatters in there own right, the munch will be held in a private venue that holds about 140 people there will be a charge of for a single person and £3 for a couple ,this is to pay for the dj and room the venue will open about and last orders at 12 if you need to know any thing else you cam pm us or u can always find us in the yorkshire swongers room on server 1 , for anyone who has not attended a munch before and some of the regulars who may have forgot the definition of a munch the following link will bge of help http;/ html. so come on you yorkie people .... lets get it onnnnnnnnnn xxx
oi oi you randy peeps .... keep yer hands to yerself and we wont cum lol. yes please xxxxxxxxxxx
whoooooo im comin lol be nice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
plz let me come promise ill be sober
Quote by smudge1960
plz let me come promise ill be sober

YE my arse u will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thats from adi)
Can I come please, pretty please
put our names down please
count us 2 in guys xxx
hiya can we come please thanks xxxxx
would have.... but already going to the one on the other side of the pennines that night....
hopefully you'll all have a blast.....
sean xxxxxxxxx
Hi cocks will you put our names down plz
Quote by Gillianthe1st
Can I come please, pretty please
oi mi bitch :rude: course u can :sparring:
Quote by Mingeeater_1
oi can i cumplz ????
errrrrrrrm no! :twisted: evil
biggrin Please may we to speak rolleyes
Many thanks
Kerry & Ian
Please can I come too biggrin xx
Hi cocks, plz put us down will ya xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hooray - made it onto page 1!!!
Yes please yes please yes please - will bring jackflap jase for usual payment!!
Princess Kitty xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi can u add us plzzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxxxxx
sadly we can make this one can ye put us on the list please cocks xxxxxxxxxxx
go on then ...put us on list ffs rolleyes ill let ya know for deff tho as dont know wot im workin yet lol xxxx
Bugger, Bugger, Bugger.......... Wigan Munch same night.... Bugger, Bugger, Bugger :cry:
Please add Bunnyk and Mr Hudds (Huddscpl) to the list
love to be on the guest list... count me in.
yes please me and louise tell me where
Add me to the growing list please smile After breaking my duck and attending the last one im thirsty for more.
Thank you xxxxxxxxxx
Can we go please, will be staying at redstars if we can. thanks smile
Hi Cocks.. put us down will be our first!!