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THATS why people should celebrate their landmarks like 1000 posts - and THATS how to do it - Totally fantastic stuff there Corriefem,be very proud of yourself and I hope its onward and upward for you through your next 1000! wink
What a coincidence , we were just asking ...................................
well done , new avatar to celbrate we think . One of your bum would be nice xxx
Well done Corrie kiss :kiss:
Another good post, as were the 999 before it. lol :lol: :lol:
I have noticed the change in you from the timid person that first joined us here (that turned all her underwear pink in the washing machine) to the confident outgoing person you are now (that still wears pink underwear!!!) confused :? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Brilliant post Corrie worship :worship: :worship:
But more than anything, congratulations on moving so far forward in yourself and becoming this strong woman that I know now kiss
To that person that brought you to the midlands munch passionkiss wink
Dawn :silly:
Corrie, passionkiss
You are fab.... simple as. Love ya to bits. Great 1000th post!
Hope to have the pleasure of being in your company again sometime soon!
Corrie, it's lovely to see how far you've moved on in the last few months. Whoever thought that this place would have played such a part in that? :shock:
Well done on the 1000. Looking forward to lots more kiss
Congratulations Corrie!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Well done to one of my fave posters on here, always worth reading, a great laugh, superb advice and opinions that always make more sense than mine! ....... and an absolute gem of a woman in real life kiss
It's been wonderful sharing your journey, just to see where you're at now - still the same adorable Corrie, just with that extra pizzaz cool
Once again, huge congratulations, what a fantastic post!
yeh yeh yeh, I know this is a fluffy 'I think you're great' post ........... but she really is!!! :lol2: and I don't tell her often enough!
Well done on your 1000th post
heres to your doubling that
Vicky xxx
I can relate to what you say a lot Corriefem, my story is sort of similar but I was left with no confidence or self esteem because of my marriage and divorce. To say SH has been a revelation to me would be underestimating the effect it has had on my life, I have met some fantastic people who I would never have known and I have discovered my lust and confidence in my sexuality that I never knew before.
I did jump in with both feet and have had lots of sexy fun with a number of people now, that is our only difference, but that is what suits me, it sounds like you have found what suits you for now and are exploring at your own pace which is great.
Well done on coming so far, here's to 1000 more posts from you and lots more fun!
MQ xx
corrie! passionkiss
anything i say will be completely redundant . . . . and i'm really not sure how to phrase this . . . . but yes absolutely! been there done that! biggrin
similiar place to me that's fer sure . . . . then and now. :D
brilliant post! dunno why it took you so long, but good to get there in the end eh? ;)
it's been a privelege to meet you once or twice! good here innit! :D
lhk ((( TM KitKat 2003/4)))
n x x x x sillyassionkiss:
kiss Corrie,it has been a pleasure to meet you a few one that sticks in my mind was at the Notts Munch when you were in stitches at a certain person dressed in a cloak with it all hanging out!!! :shock: :lol2:
Your posts are great and you can actually tell that your confidence has grown in the way that you does this mean youll be a 100% exhibitionist by the time you reach 2000 then?? lol
:cheers: Congrats hun :rose:
Wonderful post Corrie, it's very moving to read your thoughts. See you again at the next munch I hope - one day we must have a proper chat!
Mike xxx
Well done on your 1000, good luck for the next 1000.
Congratulations kiss
I've enjoyed them all, and look forward to seeing you again at the next do . I promise not to shove my tongue down your throat this time redface surprisedops:
I'm glad that things are so positive for you, may they long remain that way :cheers: passionkiss
Well done corrie 1000 posts and a good one to celebrate the we interact much on here....eermm nope I search out and read your posts....most definately!
Congratulations on your 1000th.
I can relate to most of what you have said and couldn't have put it better myself.
Your contentment shines through.
G x
Congrtulations corrifem..... Excellent post!!! biggrin Here's looking forward to your next 1000 drinkies
H xxx
lovely post corrie its nice to here you are enjoying your time on swinging heaven and finding out what you realy want out of life and not jumping in with both feet :happy: .look forward to reading ya next 1000 posts :rose:
Well Corrie I can't think of a better reason to don my posting boots again after my break. passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss:
You're not alone in coming to this site for one reason (hump blast lol) - but gaining other things entirely - meaningful friendships, new perspectives and impetus in making life changes that need to be made.
I send my best wishes to you my friend, and I'm here for you as you reach for the stars.
All my love,

Well done, Corrie, on the kilopost!! :thumbup:
~Reese! surprised
Well done Corrie
Haven't been on here as long as you but even I have noticed the difference in some of your posts.
Keep it up. and long may you enjoy this site and the weird bunch of ppl who hang out here.
Congratulations Corrie,
I have heard that you are a special Lady off the site as well, I hope it all carries on getting better.
G xx
Well done Corrie, my sentiments exactly, oh crap what will i write now when i hit a thousand, well lots of time left to think about it. biggrin
Well done Corrie. kiss
Your posts and your toes have been a constant source of joy. biggrin
Here's to the next thousand. :cheers:
(posts that is, not toes)
Congratulations corrie, biggrin :D
I remember seeing you that 1st night at your 1st munch, the person I saw then to when I last saw you, there is a big change in you. A more confident person inside, and you glow.... cool
I'm so glad that things are working out and life is getting better.