oooo the day of the devil! i only just realised it was the 6th of the 6th of 2006- has anyone noticed anything spooky?
I have - my tv switched off all by itself, i have an unusual amount of bills through the letter box this morning,and there is a strange smell coming from my kitchen bin...
I'm very scared! has any one else noticed anything evil/spooky today?
Bloody coffee machine stopped working..... just when i needed caffeine the most.... typical..... lol
equi-princess xxx
i tell you- the evil spirits are at work- just as nostradamus predicted!
next, you'll find they've switched the coffee to decaff! twisted devil work!
No...... No....... anything but decaffeinated coffee....... lol
can everyone stop picking on cloven hoofed folk
i'm definately not picking on hooved beings- i too have hooves for feet- check out my post in favourite body part (not clever enought to put a link in lol)
I'm Sure I saw the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse coming out of a Greggs this Lunchtime.. Apparently they were going to end the world this afternoon.. But it's pretty Sunny so they're gonna go to a park instead and try and pick up girls with their Horses
Reckon They've gone to Hyde Park...
They are a bit Thin in the Face though... And about 15 feet tall...
Oh and one of them is on Fire...
I'm having a very good day, actually, but then I would, wouldnt I? :twisted:
i like a tall man though....
you know what they say about tall men....
not sure about a tall man on fire however.....
What do they say about Tall men...?
And who are 'They'
People are always talking about 'They'...
Now that is SPOOKY...
Who are They?
is 999 a devil doing a handstand????
and its 'THEM', 'THEY're' watching us, 'THEY're' gonna get you!.......
What.. THEY Are after Me?
How do you Know?
Wait.. You're one of THEM aren't you?
*Runs screaming into the Night*
Sorry Phredd, didn't mean you personally ! Today is 06/06/06 but last time was 06/06/1966 ... and not much happened then !
Oh... I Thought the world had actually Ended...
I'd better just check through the Window...
No, You're Right.. It's still there...
No.. Today we're Going to Look through The Square Window...
Tell Me A Story.. Oh Go On.. Puuurrr-lleeeeaseee!
That's just like the Devil.. being a Day Late...
Tardiness.. Now that is True Evil!
Was on my way to the hairdressers when the muppet in front of me panicked when he saw an oncoming police car calling to an emergency and slammed his anchors on!!
Consequently I ran into the back of him grrrrrr causing only a scratch to his car and a bent bonnet and smashed headlight to mine!!!
Could I see the police car coming??no was going round a corner when it happened!!!Hasten to say am glad to see the back of yesterday!!
Mwah xxxx
Was it the and of Satan do you Think?