On a bit of a serious note, i am increadibly short, no i mean short, i mean arse dragging on the floor job. i once watched a programme in which a woman who was actually a good few inches taller than me decided to have her shins sawn apart and 'extensions' put in. the pain and the suffering was unbelievable and after all that she was going to be 3 inches taller. 3 inches? i need at least 10 to be 'normal'.
i realised then that although i myself was not happy being a shortarse i had come to terms with it. i'm short, my mothers short, my girls are short, we are short.
BUT my boobs ain't bad, my face is okay and as for my body, well at nigh on 40 i can stil touch me toes and run a few miles, what can i say?
i would not go under the knife as i am now. i won't rule it out and maybe in 10 years i may feel it's the only way, but now? nope.
i do love that programme though, but what absolute mingers some of them are on it!!
It had to be done, not for vanity but to put all the bits back in the right place. I had my hand stitched up. My advise is if you have a choice do not do it.
I don't think i would consider cosmetic surgery..... i'm not going to rule it out totally as my views might change as i get older.... but at the moment i'm quite happy with how i am....
Now........ if there was surgery / a rack.... to make me instantly taller..... i'd have it done... not just now but right now.... i demand to be taller..... lol
equi-princess xxx
I'm never going to say never .....
I'd only really sort one area out and that would be my forehead/eye, at the moment I'm unbalanced and all i'd do is make my eye sockets look even.
As desparately unhappy as I am with my weight body image, surgery isn't the answer.
oh i'd just have everything done lol
Hiya all the brilliant women posting in here!!!!!!!!
Have to say its been the pain thing that has stopped me so far. I went to have laser surgery on my eyes and couldnt go through with it as I chickened out but they keep you awake while they do it - lol. I just I suppose believe I am here only once in my life and if I get a chance to make myself feel confident longer I will. It is confidence to me - my smile and boobs - and thats been the same since I was very very young.
However there is so much non surgical lifting these days that maybe that will be the new trend and instead of new false teeth maybe someone will bring out false teeth you stick on yourself like false nails lol.