I'm addicted to that programme too!!!
And yeah i defo would if money was no object... i'm a 'larger' lady and i'm currently dieting, although I have only lost a stone, my tummy is starting to head south already and with having 2 young children, the only possible excerise i can do at the moment is walking and stuff at home (which i am really forgetful to do!)
so if i do lose more weight and my tummy continues to head south i'd love that done, aswell as making my boobies a little perkier :-D
Boobs, teeth, eyes, in that order.
Not sure I could actually go through with it though.
Been there, done it and after I was able to wear the tee shirt.....any tee shirt I liked, so was a big success!!!!!!!
Mrs Lizard xxx
hmmmmmm some kind of procedure that allows me to lose half my body weight and a boob job that looks comepletely natural would do just fine thank-you-very-muchly miss hambleton-jones (or whatever that cow's name is with the cool specs!)
yep, I've got an appointment to see the consultant next Wednesday for a bit of surgery and providing he can give me what I want I will go under the knife, hammer, chisel, within a couple of months.
Stuff that for a game of tiddly-winks ! :shock: I'm too chicken for all that malarky! Years ago I had thought about getting my flabby bits done but after watching a programme on liposuction it put me right off :shock: No one's coming near ME with an indusrtrial hoover !
I'm not sure about my male eye women who say about things "wrong" with them often look fine.I know I have a flawed human male body and likewise a woman may have her flaws as the end there is no such thing as a perfect person is there?
I kinda understand the control argument and the need to conform blah blah blah argument, but I don't believe its that deep for most folk unless your talking about corrective plastic surgery where the aim for the most part is conforming, in which case the argument is harsh.
Cosmetic surgery is different thing and I just dont believe that the first thought from folk that are doing it, or considering it, is trying to conform, although that might be a residual effect, I believe for the most part they are just trying to get a feel good effect, a confidence boost, in exactly the same way that a trip to the hairdresser, manicurist, or the tailor does and whilst that may mean aiming for a shape or look thats more 'acceptable' so what.
I see the consultant next week for a cosmetic procedure and if he can give me what I want then a few weeks after that I will go and have it done, the aim isnt to conform, it isnt to please anyone other than me and its being done with the same aim that I have in mind when I go and buy a decent suit or a pair of shoes. You can hang all the physco babble on that if you like, I just think thats way too deep.