Ok you lot, my memories aren't that good.........purely coz my mind says.............love that !!!!!.........and then eludes me
Its just how it is with me......I have to ask MrFc what I like (music wise) I just forget tooooo quick
But the 70's reminds me of SUNSHINE !!!
Dancing to top of the pops on a sunday evening behind the couch...... ops:
wearing elastic top boots 8-) hey !!! my calfs were sooooo narrow I couldn't wear normal boots then. such a young thing I was then
Ooooh bomber jackets !!! Mine was navy.....white stripes down the sleeves
And I used to sunbathe............ on the front lawn,
:roll: :roll: don't even ask me why ! Blimey I was 14, innocent......... :giggle:
Oh yuk !!! remember you couldn't get a bar of chocolate for love or money that was lovely and cold coz it was toooooooo blimin hot them days
Really wanted to see "The Bitch" couldn't .........or " One Who Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest"
Jack Nicholson...........he is scrummy :twisted:
What are your memories from the seventies