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3 days without a cig.. HELP

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This is my first post on the cafe so hi everyone.
Ive gone 3 days without a cig and what feels like 400 pkts of polos later iam struggling so any tips to help me through my first night out since stopping would be most helpfull.
Don't go out,you'll never manage it if you want to try the patches,theyre really good worked for us,well for 18 months till we went on holiday and started again.
Quote by Steve_Lincs
Don't go out,you'll never manage it if you want to try the patches,theyre really good worked for us,well for 18 months till we went on holiday and started again.

As a drug nicotine is unbelievably potent... I stopped smoking when I was about 23... not a conscious decision as I just stopped enjoying it. However there are certain times when I could murder a ciggie... 20 years on...
GT smokes so I have a pull on his occasionally :twisted: we are still talking cigarettes aren't we? :P
I am building up to stopping smoking - joined a gym and will think of a treat for when I actually do give up in December - well I like a big build up. wink keep brushing your teeth and try and surround yourself with people who dont smoke haha. As most of my work colleagues and friends dont smoke now I feel the odd one out anyway :shock: I had my first cigerette at the age of 10 redface surprisedops: and have given up 4 times for a number of months................once I give up this time that will be it but the treat needs to be worth while to motivate me. Anyway my friend - good luck.
PS you could always try s & m and have your hands tied behind your back for a few days!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: lol
Judy TV wrote:
Is it true ex smokers are more critical of smokers than those who have never smoked ?

Hi Judy, I think it's one aspect of the saying "Reformed rakes are the worst puritans". For some people in some situations your strongest hate can be for part of yourself (or your former self) that you see in others.
And good luck to you, Donnydaz.
I would dearly love to give up smoking but I find it calms me down , which i know is a shite excuse but its the truth. When i have been without ciggies for a while i get tense , agitated and extremly bad tempered.
What makes life worse is that my 6 yr old keeps coming home from school telling me that I am going to die, which is pretty upsetting so i guess that will have to be my main motivation.
I have the utmost respect for people who have given up smoking , I just wish i was confident that i could do it .
Good luck and i sincerely hope you succeed.
thanks Judy ,
You raise some very valid points (as usual) , and its always nice to hear from reformed smokers , as opposed to well meaning people who have never had a ciggie in their lives.
I've tried patches before as Steve obviously has , but they just made me feel ill , i think i'll nip out and get some gum later . Maybe this would be a good time to give it a go.
Take care
Its been said that the craving for a cigarette only last for 45 seconds at a time,so thats worth thinking about when you ghet a longer than that and its you thinking about it that makes it we quit we used chewing gum to fill that need for something in your mouth,even though we started again,we still chew copious amounts of gum confused It does help considerably though,just be careful of what you eat,i put on loads of weight when we first quit!!
Good luck with it!!
I've skipped the in-between so if this is said already, sorry. I gave up about 20 years ago and I found it easy enough. I took myself off to a health farm for a week and through the last pack of Embassy into the bin before I arrived.
I thought if I've done a week I can do the rest of my life. Mostly this was so, but even after many months, and sometimes after years, there are triggers that hit you that are very hard to resist.
Thanks for all your advice.
I managed to go through my night out without a cig and today started on the patchers, but whats all the itching about ?
Ive also spent all day at work sucking on pens,its only a matter of time before my lips are covered in ink.
Thanks again.
hi Donnydaz,
I gave up smoking 6 months ago on this coming monday using the patches and my weak points were in front of the pc and getting in the car so i bought a whole lot of lollipops and always armed myself with them.
I wont say it is easy but well done for doing it, and there are a few of us on here who have done it so we are all behind you.
I gave up a few years ago using hypnotherapy which was for chucking the fags a rather strange experience. Although I knew I did smoke I really didnt want to only I kindof did but I realised it was the habit thing that caused it and I never got that horrible panicky breathless choking for nicotine feeling either. I managed to stay off them for almost 2 years to the day I went to the hypnotherapist but turned into a right narky bitch during that time and its true what they say theres nothing worse than an ex smoker as opposed to someone who has never smoked although I think this can be to do with people around you.
My mother used to come into my house and I asked her not to smoke i the house as the smell really annoyed me for month and months in fact probably the whole time i stopped although you can cope wuite easily with it and the feeling eventually dissapates but it helps i think when people around you dont tempt you. At the end of the day if you really want to do it you will but will also have to bear with the withrawl most quitters get.
Only problem I found was after I stupidly started again the hynotherapy doesnt work for me now had been back quite a few times and it slowly went from about 3 months down to a week being my longest quitting time so now I quit quitting!!
So now im less bitchy and snappy but with slightly fucked up lungs??
Cant win eh!!
But try a relaxation tape and if you cant get one from a shop try kazza for it just do a search under audio of relaxation, hypnotherapy but dont try the smoking ones cause last time I tried them they were crap!!
Also hynotherapy sessions range from about £35 - £100 depending on the hypnotherapist but the most expensive wont nessecarrily be the best. Also trying to get yourself on a relaxation/self hypnosis course might help too they learn you lots of different methods/techniques to help that you can do yourself and not just at home so is very helpful in difficult situations. Really good skill to have although its something you have to work at a bit its easy to learn and something you can always use and a much better natural method!
Good luck with the quitting, hope it all goes well.
When I quit I found it helpful to follow my usual "smoking routine" but not actually have a cig. For example I would always have a cig in my conservitory after waking up. So when I quit I would still get up, make a coffee and stand in the conservitory for 5 mins just not have one.
Anyway they say the first 3 days are the hardest, if you can get past that then you are doing well.
Keeping your hands occupied is the easy bit lol
The gum worked for me. Only down side is, when you first bite into them they give you the hic-cups. But you'll be drinking. You're bound to get them anyway.
Gum is good but I went through about 3-4 packets of blue extra everyday haha
ended up with a chewing gum habit instead and really fucking sore jaw too!!
Jaw ended up clicking out of place all the time was bloody sore!