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999 posts of uttershite, 1 serious one . . . . .

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i'm always a bit wary these days about making the kind of post that drifts into some kind of mutual admiration society, but it's kinda traditional to mark the rites of passage, and by a stroke of luck my 1000th post pretty much coincides with several of mine. maybe it takes a 1000 posts, and ten months to get there? maybe it's just me being slow, as per usual! ;-)
so i'm gonna say me bit, but ask you give credit where credit's due, cos maybe we sometimes give Mark and the Mods less credit than they deserve for "the cafe", and for the effort they put in. a lot more effort than the 1000 posts took me. i have some small idea of the effort it takes, entirely in their own free time, to keep this place on an even keel. i have the utmost respect for the site, for mark, and for the heavenly helpers, who allow us to witter on and post uttershite in a completely random way, so if there's any back-slapping to be done . . . . it ain't mine i'm after slapping!
i think like most people you find the site, one way or another, then go into headless chicken mode looking round the lot, thinking how have i missed out on this all me life? when you realise it maybe ain't quite what you thought it might be, you either leave, or you look for a place to chill while you learn a bit more about swinging, and more importantly, swingers. sometimes you find that it's actually the people that are far more important to you than the actual swinging . . . . . and thoughts of swinging can actually get in the way of things, and fire off all kinds of thoughts . . . .
the chatroom's one place i chilled in for a while . . . it's all one line banter, and just bouncing off each other quick as you can, but you don't really get to learn very much in there!
the cafe's very different. whether by accident or design, it's been allowed not to be about sex very much at all in here. there's other bits of the site do pretty well on that score by all accounts, but in here it is about swingers, and even non-swingers, as people! and i think that's why so much effort's been made here by so many contributors, cos it's the perfect place to watch and learn for the toe-dippers among us, cos there is no topic, and it's utterly random. ((( yes i know, you can keep your comments to yourselves ta very much! ;-) ))) it's often completely insane, and surreal, and deep! i wouldn't know where to find the worst offenders! ;-) blatant hijackers the lot of yas!! but i occasionally make a serious statement among all the bollox, cos i learn things here, and want to share them.
banter, inane drivel, amd complete bollox are what we do while we wait for the deep, serious stuff to come along and hopefully sink in and strike a chord. and more often than not it's the complete bollox that keeps you coming back long enough for realisations to dawn, and it's not the sexual aspect at all, for many of us! there's a lot of common ground here that has very little to do with sex in itself, and everything to do with people. i'd challenge anyone to find a more active, intelligent, witty, welcoming community anywhere, or one that forges such strong friendships, either online or In Real Life.
i've rediscovered my enthusiasm for the place, as have many i think looking at the cafe lately. it's not been so hard to log off for ages, so i've gone a bit post happy, and blatantly hijacked threads at a ferocious pace, but it looks like more and more are seeing the place in that light? i hope so! dunno i seem to have offended by being so enthusiastic, but inane drivel is what i do. as for the swinging? yet to decide. i come here for the friendships, not the sex!
i really don't want to think just how many hours i've spent here, but the fact i have, well thanks! a lot! keeping each other addicted till we reach that point, and understand, is very much the point IMHO!
neil x x x ;-)
Bloody well done mate........... Congrats on 1000 posts........ :thrilled:
As someone who also likes to post UTTERSHITE, I bow down to my superior biggrin
Good post Neil smile
A classic 1000th. Couldn't agree more. What's more I understood it - I'm worried!!!
worship worship worship well done mate.
Does 1000 posts make you a kiloneil? :rascal:
The title and the content kinda work for me.
I'm not gonna go slapping your back cos thinking back, the only thing that back slapping ever achieved for me was a loud belch of baby wind and milky sick down my shoulder and I just dont want the same thing to happen with an adult thats lunched on Stella, red wine and Pizza.
I've laughed at 999 of em and agreed with one of them so all in all, I think things have balanced out pretty well, don't you. wink
Quote by davej
The title and the content kinda work for me.

What sort of comment is that then eh??
Quote by westerross
The title and the content kinda work for me.

What sort of comment is that then eh??
It's the sort of comment that the thread starter will recognise as being me and being complimentary. I would much prefer to discuss it with you via P.M. if it's still an issue, as I don't think this thread is the right place.
Well done Neil....Keep em coming lol
Quote by Kinky Lizard
All your posts should be collected and sent off into space in some sort of time capsule....imagine any ET's out there finding it and trying to understand and make sense of it all....
they'd be fooked!
To Neil Lord of Leeds we salute you!

It would stop them invading us though wouldnt it rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Neil youre one in a million mate....your hearts in the right place and theres no mistaking that ...keep up the good work in the nsbc and on here
Well done on the 1000th post. Keep the bollox coming. wink
(BTW PM sent)
:thumbup: :thumbup: kiss kiss
CONGRATS!!! Neil.......Love what you write biggrin biggrin ...can brighten up a very sxxx day,logging on and reading some of your inate bollox. wink wink wink
Now how on earth did you manage to do a whole post with out FFS-ing or TUTTing once?? dunno
I completely agree with what you said about coming to the cafe for friendships,weve made amny here(and if we get any se out of it then its a bonus!! wink )
Now can we go back to posts we don't get the first time we read em FFS!!!! lol lol
Well done Neil a classic posting for your 1000th
I even understood it lol
Another one hits the 1000,how many is that??
Congrats Neil,you may talk bollox most of the time but it's interesting bollox!!
wink me too WELL DONE! scrummy neil xxxxxxxxx
love peppsxxxxxxx worship
Oh Neil, come here passionkiss what would we ever do without you? Here's :cheers: to many more!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel:
My mentor. Only 993 to go. Hopefully i'll be as wise as you by then. But getting back to the subject GOOD ONE.
Congratulations mate, we need more posts like your good self.
Quote by tallnhairy
Congratulations mate, we need more posts like your good self.

That a door post or a fence post?? lol
Quote by Mark
a congratulatory message across my cock lol

Oh but you could do it for those who'd like to see it lol lol lol
I'm stunned! A post totally devoid of shite. Good on yer mate.

I don't think even Mark is safe from the Wrath of Jags if he posted a cock shot biggrin
Quote by JQL

I don't think even Mark is safe from the Wrath of Jags if he posted a cock shot biggrin

OOh i feel a dare coming on lol lol lol lol
Wow Neil!!! It's taken 1000 posts for me to finally understand you without having to read it 3 4 or 5 times lol
I love your bollox hun (note the spelling before you get too excited rolleyes) keep it up lol
I'm almost brought to tears reading your 1002nd post. Congratulations drinkies
Your not aware of course, but you started me in here, and perhaps it shows my mentality because I have understood all of the post you have written. However, now that it has been pointed out that you write complete bollocks all the time, and admit it yourself, perhaps I should take a leaf out of your book to try and achieve the same mile-stone by writing much more drivel than I do now?
Anyway, see you over the otherside, in the members bar in a couple of minutes.
PS. Those for a feel-up or nipple tweek, please for an orderly queque, and Neil and I will take you in turn.
Quote by Clare_Lincs
...OOh i feel a dare coming on lol lol lol lol

Go on then Clare... dare him :twisted:

- your posts make me laugh and cry and you are sooooooooooooo gorgeous in real life as well. Heres to the next time we meet kiss :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: kiss
Love Corriexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well . . . . .
i will simply doff my floppy hat with a feather in it, bow with a flourish, and say . . . i thank you all for even noticing me here . . . i love you all! seriously! that i've even been here this long is a testament to you all! honest! stars in abundance! ;-)
s'pose i actually have to think about the random uttershite i post from now on then eh?
neil x x x x passionkiss and firm manly handshakes all round!