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A bit of a worry !!!!

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It's your daughter's video, she took it and if there's nothing "dodgy" on it then don't worry smile
What has the world come to when we worry about being in posession of our childrens pictures !!!
I have a class photo of my 12 year old -- I wonder how damning that might be to some "nanny state" jobsworth
Quote by Dark_side72
It's your daughter's video, she took it and if there's nothing "dodgy" on it then don't worry smile
I agree.
File it in your daughter profile and forget it.
When we moved back down south from Doncaster,my then 9 year old daughter wanted photos of her little friends to remember them by. I asked the head teacher if it was ok to take a pic of each kid and was told I had to get written permission from every parent. This was for pics of them in uniform in their classroom - not in any way 'dodgy'.
For the same reason, we parents were banned from taking pics or filming the nativity plays or sports days. WTF!!
I know we have to protect our kids but I fail to see how stopping parents from taking a photo of their kids in the egg and spoon race is actually achieving that. Parents ended up taking 'sneaky' photos and felt like criminals for doing so .. madness!
Quote by Sugar-n-pom
When we moved back down south from Doncaster,my then 9 year old daughter wanted photos of her little friends to remember them by. I asked the head teacher if it was ok to take a pic of each kid and was told I had to get written permission from every parent. This was for pics of them in uniform in their classroom - not in any way 'dodgy'.
For the same reason, we parents were banned from taking pics or filming the nativity plays or sports days. WTF!!
I know we have to protect our kids but I fail to see how stopping parents from taking a photo of their kids in the egg and spoon race is actually achieving that. Parents ended up taking 'sneaky' photos and felt like criminals for doing so .. madness!

We have to do that now, unfortunately. Each child has to have a letter at the beginning of each academic year. We have to get the parent/carer to sign whether photos can be taken for various purposes, ie use in school, in a school newsletter, on the school website, in pictures for the local press etc. Teachers have a list of whose photo can be used for what and we have to make sure that those kids who don't have permission, are kept out of shot.
OMG what has the world come to!! mad
My Mum has pictures of me and brother in the bath, films of us and our friends playing in the the paddling pool in just our under wear :shock: .
Its going to get to the stage where parents will have no pics of there children till there 18 or pics of them just on their own.
Does this mean when you go out for the day with your children or go on holiday, if they want thier pic taken with another child ( a friend they have made) you have to run around looking for the parent to ask thier permission, its madness! If I looked back at all the pics me, my mum, my friends have taken over the years I bet you there is someones child in the background some where.
Sorry to rant but these things really piss me off about the world we now live in evil .
But as for pics your daughter has taken I would do the same as everyone else and keep them after all there not your pics there hers.
It isn't just about the fear of paedophiles and the nanny state. There are issues with estranged and violent parents who can scour websites looking for their children and then find the other parent or, indeed, the child. Adopted children who can be found in a similar way by their birth and mostly inappropriate parents. The world has become a smaller place through the wonders of modern communication. Some people need to be looked after and protected from that communication. There are many many reasons why some parents choose to have photos consented to only.
Quote by splendid_
It isn't just about the fear of paedophiles and the nanny state. There are issues with estranged and violent parents who can scour websites looking for their children and then find the other parent or, indeed, the child. Adopted children who can be found in a similar way by their birth and mostly inappropriate parents. The world has become a smaller place through the wonders of modern communication. Some people need to be looked after and protected from that communication. There are many many reasons why some parents choose to have photos consented to only.

Yep :thumbup:
Some people know of the troubles that have bestowed themselves on our household in recent weeks and to be honest I would not have it on my PC due to what has happened to me....
Your household is quite probably well balanced and ticks over nicely but ours isnt/doesnt and for those reasons I would delete it from myPC ....
While we have had disagreements in the past I hope you'll accept that this is sincere advice. Having worked in an area that dealt with computer forensics for several forces, I would advise you to securely delete that content from your computer. While it would only be an issue if at any time your computer was subject to scrutiny, it isn't a risk I'd take unless I was certain the girls involved and their parents knew I had the images and approved.
I agree with others both that it is sad that we have got to a point where innocent images can be thought of as 'dangerous', and that some children and families need the protection of not having photographs taken because of their specific circumstances.
how do you 'securely delete' anything?
I was under the impression that anything that had ever been on your computer could be found with the right skills.
Quote by splendid_
how do you 'securely delete' anything?
I was under the impression that anything that had ever been on your computer could be found with the right skills.

You are both right and wrong:-) I've seen data recovered from bits of hard disk platter that had been smashed with a lump hammer, and from drives that had been doused in petrol and set on fire. However it is hugely expensive to go to that extent and is only done when there is very good reason.
Secure deletion involves overwriting the space occupied by files with a random pattern many times so the information is 'buried'. Yes it is possible to recover it in a computer forensic lab with the right tools, enough time and enough money but for normal purposes it has gone.
My point was that if at any time a computer is seized and in looking for something else questionable files are found, it can be a real problem. Even when they are totally innocent the process of proving this can be traumatic. While I'm sure the chances of Flower's computer ever being investigated are very slim, there is no benefit I can see in keeping the files and some benefit in deleting them.
Quote by Steve
Some people know of the troubles that have bestowed themselves on our household in recent weeks and to be honest I would not have it on my PC due to what has happened to me....
Your household is quite probably well balanced and ticks over nicely but ours isnt/doesnt and for those reasons I would delete it from my PC ....

Sorry to hear youve had some probs. Dont know, hadnt heard but hope whatever it was is getting sorted now. Regards to you and yours
Quote by Unc
how do you 'securely delete' anything?
I was under the impression that anything that had ever been on your computer could be found with the right skills.

You are both right and wrong:-) I've seen data recovered from bits of hard disk platter that had been smashed with a lump hammer, and from drives that had been doused in petrol and set on fire. However it is hugely expensive to go to that extent and is only done when there is very good reason.
Secure deletion involves overwriting the space occupied by files with a random pattern many times so the information is 'buried'. Yes it is possible to recover it in a computer forensic lab with the right tools, enough time and enough money but for normal purposes it has gone.
My point was that if at any time a computer is seized and in looking for something else questionable files are found, it can be a real problem. Even when they are totally innocent the process of proving this can be traumatic. While I'm sure the chances of Flower's computer ever being investigated are very slim, there is no benefit I can see in keeping the files and some benefit in deleting them.
But let's face it, if they were in a position that their computer was seized then I suspect that a collection of innocent pictures on their computer would be the least of their problems!
Personally I'd say fuck the political correctness brigade. If uyou know they are innocent and your daughter knows they are innocent then keep them. there is no way under normal circumstances that anyone else will know they are there anyway. It's not yet possible for the police (or anyone else) to monitor the content of UK citizens computer hard drives. So no-one is going to know anyway.
I would delete them :thumbup:
If the police ever did investigate the pc, at least you can say that you deleted them as soon as you realised they were there confused
It would also be a small concern that if anyone ever got hold of your pc or hacked it, those pics could go anywhere sad
Quote by flower411
Thanks to everybody for dealing with this calmly and helpfully !! :thumbup:
I was a bit nervous after I`d posted that people might misinterpret my intentions.
I am still in dispute with my ex over custody of our daughter so I do feel the need to be careful about this kind of thing. Luckily I have a lot of support from Mums at school but as we`re off to secondary school in september my ex will have a whole new set of people to start spouting her poison to !!
I`m not going to delete the photos... not because I don`t appreciate the advice ...thanks it is probably good advice wink but because I think there is a time when the decent people must stand against the scaremongers.
I am accutely aware that a lot of people would not think of me as decent purely because this site is also in my hard drive ! :shock:

Stand up and be counted!
The context in which such material is taken depends entirely on the circumstances ie. who took it, how it was taken and who possess it. In your hands it's perfectly innocuous in my opinion as a sensible, level-headed member of the public. But since when did that count for anything?!
Quote by Dark_side72
Thanks to everybody for dealing with this calmly and helpfully !! :thumbup:
I was a bit nervous after I`d posted that people might misinterpret my intentions.
I am still in dispute with my ex over custody of our daughter so I do feel the need to be careful about this kind of thing. Luckily I have a lot of support from Mums at school but as we`re off to secondary school in september my ex will have a whole new set of people to start spouting her poison to !!
I`m not going to delete the photos... not because I don`t appreciate the advice ...thanks it is probably good advice wink but because I think there is a time when the decent people must stand against the scaremongers.
I am accutely aware that a lot of people would not think of me as decent purely because this site is also in my hard drive ! :shock:

Stand up and be counted!
The context in which such material is taken depends entirely on the circumstances ie. who took it, how it was taken and who possess it. In your hands it's perfectly innocuous in my opinion as a sensible, level-headed member of the public. But since when did that count for anything?!
Sorry but stand up and be counted just doesnt cut the mustard when someone gets a bee in their bonnet and makes allegations against you...Founded or not.....
Believe me............I speak from experience....
Quote by HnH
Sorry to hear youve had some probs. Dont know, hadnt heard but hope whatever it was is getting sorted now. Regards to you and yours

Thanks Hun kiss
Copy them all to a memory stick and delete them from your computer... give the memory stick to your daughter so she can keep her own memories on it. Gives some responsibility to your daughter as you can also explain what's appropriate (plus the consequences) and what isn't. Teach your daughter how to download her own photos and save to the memory stick. Empowerment and learning and it saves you the time smile :)
Quote by flower411
Thanks to everybody for dealing with this calmly and helpfully !! :thumbup:
I was a bit nervous after I`d posted that people might misinterpret my intentions.
I am still in dispute with my ex over custody of our daughter so I do feel the need to be careful about this kind of thing. Luckily I have a lot of support from Mums at school but as we`re off to secondary school in september my ex will have a whole new set of people to start spouting her poison to !!
I`m not going to delete the photos... not because I don`t appreciate the advice ...thanks it is probably good advice wink but because I think there is a time when the decent people must stand against the scaremongers.
I am accutely aware that a lot of people would not think of me as decent purely because this site is also in my hard drive ! :shock:

Stand up and be counted!
The context in which such material is taken depends entirely on the circumstances ie. who took it, how it was taken and who possess it. In your hands it's perfectly innocuous in my opinion as a sensible, level-headed member of the public. But since when did that count for anything?!
Sorry but stand up and be counted just doesnt cut the mustard when someone gets a bee in their bonnet and makes allegations against you...Founded or not.....
Believe me............I speak from experience....
Quote by HnH
Sorry to hear youve had some probs. Dont know, hadnt heard but hope whatever it was is getting sorted now. Regards to you and yours

Thanks Hun kiss
Steve .... having been on the receiving end of unfounded accusations .... I feel for ya is the worst and lowest form of attack and is unfortunately taken seriously by the uneducated and ill equipped (intellectually) social services workers and totally reactionary CAFCASS morons who couldn`t spot a FEMALE child abuser if she was punching the child during the inteview !!!
I`ve been lucky so far ... but I have to live in fear every day because the legal welfare of children in this country is being presided over by judges who have never lived in the real world and have no concept whatsoever of men being capable of looking after children !
:kiss: to you both. However, flower, whilst I do agree that these situations are weighted against the males- trust me, females are not immune. :thumbup:
presumably, this doesn't only apply to images on your had disk, if the police take your computer away they would probably search your house as well. If my house was searched they would find umpteen class photos and holiday snaps from my kids childhoods. Should I scour the house and burn every record of my kids upbringing? I don't f**** think so!!!! And I shall carry on taking photos of my grandaughter!
The video flower is talking specifically about contains images of other young girls as well as his daughter though and that coupled with the evidence of using this site could be enough to set alarm bells ringing....
Its sad to think it could happen but it does....