I was wondering. If you go to a swingers club for the first time. If its not very good. Do you give it a second chance. To be honest we don't. Not sure whether thats fair or not. We did go to a club once which was very good on our first night. Then we kept going even though it never lived up to the first time then gave up on it.
Thats a really difiicult question to answer.
Whether you give something or somebody a second chance, I guess depends on how bad the experience was, or your gut feeling.
As a newbie and only having been to organised parties and not clubs can I ask what is it that in your opinion makes a club good? The atmosphere? The people? Plenty of people playing? Clean? What makes a club not very good?
Would love to know thanks...
i think seagull makes some good points
it follows on from pubs ,restarants,discos
if its clean,well populated,trouble and aggro free and not intimidating other than first time butterflies it going to be more success than a dirty old dark fleapit
sorry polo lady..its probably a better description ,what youve sadi
its the head 360 degree turn round
then its the checking out the layout
then bye the time you said hello/been introduced
yeah 20% butterflies 80% excitement
That's the thing I can't understand. Some of these clubs must be raking it in but they cannot be bothered to spend a few quid on maintenance and cleaning. We've been in some clubs that are disgusting. We would never go back. Whether we go back to a club after a so-so experience depends on lots of things, the staff, facilities, whether we pulled, etc.
Our first ever visit to a swinging club was awful, and we have never been back to that club since, as it being our first ever time to a club it could of put us off trying any others, but luckily it didnt, although it was about 6 months before we plucked up the courage to go to try another one.
We tried a club in London,hoping it would be good so we wouldn't have to keep travelling North....well guess what we are still travelling North!