Their guess put an extra 10 years on my actual age :shock:
I had to look in the mirror to see what they were seeing............and there was my dad staring back at me :scared: What happened to my middle-age????? I went form young to old and skipped the middle bit :upset:
I was looking at a short, bald, fat, git.
What happened?
I tried to make sense of it.
Where did the short bit come from? I smoke and smoking stunts your growth, so that must be one.
The fat bit? I had an energetic job for ten years and have now been behind a desk for another ten, but still consuming the same food and beer, so thats two explained.
The bald bit? That is easy........I met women......they are enough to make a man tear his hair out

So what is the question? Well in fact it has nothing to do with any of the drivel above.
Have you ever been mistaken for a different age and how did you feel?