Imagine you are given absolute power to change one small minor thing, not poverty, world peace, war or famine, but something small and insignificant, something that annoys you, but few other people. What would you change and why?
I would make annoying little jobsworths wear a uniform of Clowns shoes and big baggy trousers, and make it mandatory to hit them with a stick whenever you see one.
I would make my eyebrows incapable of growing any new hairs or regrowing any that I pluck out :smug:
I would make the housework and gardening magically do themselves..too much?
i would like to see people dispose of their rubbish properly....the lazy, dirty ,ignorant bastards they are!
I would make it against the law to eat with your mouth open
see those people?
there they are...right now...they're walking down the pavemant towards you.. two or three abreast...
you've seen them, they've seen you... you all quite aware of each other... so all is good...
there shouldn't be a problem at all as it appears you are about to approach and pass each other at that lamppost should it?...'ll be fine... you'll just ease on over to one side of the pavement, and they'll do the same, an easy and trouble-free pass... no mess, no fuss...
a simple maneuouvre (if not a simple spelling)
but nooooo... even though they should wellll be aware of the heavy bag you may be carrying... the child you're shepherding, the wheelchair you're assisting.... nooooooo..
do they move?
do they Hell!
a clashing of shoulders/elbows... forced into hedgerow... brickwall
what the hell is that all about... you move for them...why wont they move for you???
instantly transported into the local stinking duckpond.. knee-deep in filth, condoms, and beercans for them... (I could think of nowhere else off of the top of my head...)... can I borrow the big shoes and beating with sticks thingie too?..please?
do these folk annoy me...?
just a bit?
you bet!
oh me...
one more please...
can I get the youth to pull their strides up?
before the stick/boots thingie is rigourously employed?
I would abolish doctor's receptionists that say "we only have emergency appointments left. Is it an emergency?"
Well I don't fecking know yet do I until the doctor tells me :undecided:
I would make Easter Eggs not in the shops till a few days before Easter!
Stop selling Christmas cards in the summer!
I would make the flem that people spit out onto the ground in public places fly back and hit them in the face.
I would wish that sometimes you could freeze people that annoy you into little subbuteo figures and flick them off the table! :shock: