pinching a couple of thoughts from others threads really. It does seem quite a few people don't like idea of pictures being taken or a cam on at a party etc etc. Now although this is fully acceptable, it does make we think why ? Most will say because they don't want work or family knowing that they are swingers !! Now swinging is not illegal activity, and it is all done with the consent of all involved. Why are we so worried? What are we so scared of ? And yes I am including myself in this as non of my friends or family are aware, of this part of my life.
Just makes me wonder really.... If we all accepted ourselves and acceted we are swingers and celebrated the fact, MAYBE others would see swingers in a differant light. MAYBE they would become more accepting of the lifestyle. MAYBE we have to accept ourselves, before we can expect others to accept us !!
Just a thought.
it is nothing to do with swinging for me.
All of my family and friends and my work colleagues know including my 15 year old son. (I don't look old enough do I ?)
For me it is about my picture being taken by people I don't really know, with people I don't really know. My face is mine and my privacy is mine. I don't want to be in the background of anyone's picture and I certainly don't want to be on a camera somewhere being used for anything over which I have no control.
Trust and privacy are the keywords here.
If I didn't have kids, I really wouldn't give two hoots.
It would be great to be able to make a "yes, I have an alternative sex life" statement- because as I've said on another thread it's only by enough people doing so that things will ever be accepted.
However, we do have kids. And at the moment, it's not the "norm." This means the kids would be disadvantaged and picked on. They only have one childhood, and I'm not prepared to wreck it to further the cause.
I have a dicotomy.I am not ashamed of my lifestyle and am happy to go on cam and put my pics on sh as the only people that can see are like minded swingers who have paid to be on sh.
I work in the public sector and guess that swinging would be frouned upon but say for example, my boss wanted to check i was swinging he would have to pay to search swinging sites, of which there are many, to find me.
We have been at these parties and hosted some where the cam has been on, all there are aware that the cam is on and NO ONE has EVER objected. That said these are social events and not playing as i do draw the line there. That is my personal choice. But some people like being watched on cam and i must say i like watching.
I have come to the conclusion that in all walks of life people have choices. Either you do or you dont, but that is entirely up to the individual and who are we to judge.
let me just say the camera and cam jsut an aside. Thi thing i'm getting at is, that as we have all commented, swinging is not looked on favorably in the wider society. maybe if we were more open and people could see what swinging was really all about, it would indeed bbecome more acceptable.
Lets not forget it is not that long agao that gay relationships and single mother relationships were frowned upon. Maybe if we were more open....then society would be more accepting.
Personally I don't really give a flying fuck who knows. The people who are important to me already know. They don't approve, but they do know.
As for cameras, well my only objection is purely personal. I don't like to see pics of me because they never match self-image I have in my own mind. Again, I don't really care who else sees them.
It has to be said though that my personal situation is that my sexual activities, should they be known, wouldn't affect it in the slightest.
PS: Splendid, no sweetie, you don't look old enough to have a 15 year-old son!
Its not an issue for me personally -- all of my friends, my immediate family ( though not my youngest daughter) and my ex are aware that I swing. I'm retired so I don't worry about employers, and both my parents died a few years ago so I'm not worried about causing embarassment to others. However I am aware that swinging is not well regarded in certain areas and I personally know of two people who have been dismissed from their jobs when their employers learnt of their activities outside of the workplace.
The thing is, what with all the concern about being found out and the devastating effects of rumour and gossip, there are a few out there having a pretty desperate time of swinging because of their worries.
So is it really worth it if you are prone to those kind of feelings? Would it be simpler to use a standard dating site and work it that way. At worst one could be accused of cheating but without the implications and complications of being involved with something that could be seen as far more sinister.
Or would it just be a lot simpler if you didn't have any such feelings in the first place? Stayed at home and did something sensible instead.
Like pottery? I think all frustrated swingers are really avid pottery enthusiasts.
Comes down to 2 things really - Kids & Jobs.
Public knowledge of the fact we have a bloody amazingly, marvellous, incredibly, at times mind-blowing, fun time swinging would affect both.
Would love to be open about it, would save lying to kids and friends and family but society as it is, it ain't possible - too many people more concerned with what other people do for fun than more important things in life, at least I know i'm having a better time than them he-he. There are some people I would LOVE to tell, just to see their reaction, would be priceless I'm sure lol
As for cams & pics at parties, it's a matter of control, don't want our pics splashed about the net unless we know which ones they are and are discrete. And this then ties back into the fact that you can't always be open about being swingers.
But if you know in advance then yiu can make the choice.
jack x
I'm not open about swinging for one main reason I'm hoping to work in the public sector. Although I don't think I could be fired for swinging on the grounds of it being 'unprofessional' (not sure it is all that much and it would be an interesting case if someone sued for discrimination). I do think (or maybe that should be worry) if those that dictate if I go up a grade (touching wood he gets a job in the first place) knew I wouldn't get to be promoted as it were. The risks and perceived worry outweigh any of the possible benefits so its going to be unlikely for me to ever reveal myself as a swinger (to all but a handful of people) or for me to appear with my face on cam regularly.
A leading Scottish politican was allegedly at some swingers party/orgy (I don't remember the full deatils) and it was reported in the paper and he ended up loosing his job as a result (I think). Swinging is still not at all tolerated as well as it should be (especially by certain generations). I'm unaware of someone being fired for being a swinger but it wouldn't surprise me if it has happened somewhere in the world. (Something I think if it were to happen would be a disgrace). Yet maybe that's because those that are paranoid are right to be paranoid and so don't like to show their faces in what is quite a public website (more members than the population of all but a few of our major cities- UK).
If one person at a party/gathering doesn't want to show their face on cam then that should be accepted and if it can be avoided without turning the camera off then all's well but if not the camera should be turned off. (This coming from someone who is quite happy to admit he sometimes looks for cams to perve)
There was a case some time ago of a woman sacked from her job because of swinging - I believe she was a nurse.
as swinginging is not illegal...and i know as an employer is almost bloody impossible to sack anyone.. on what grounds anyone was dismisssed !!!
fact is you can not be dismissed for haveing a swinging a lifestyle..... they can make life difficult for that you leave yourself......but FACT.. they can not dismiss you for being a swinger....
In a lot of these cases I get the feeling that people are judged not so much on what they do, but the fact that they have allowed themselves to be caught doing it.