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Ad of the day... And cometh tuesday when the masses asked -

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- who the fuck is Tony confused:
I'd love to know the background to this one...
That is a soap opera plot. Surely?
Quote by Robbie
- who the fuck is Tony confused:

Indeed. But, more to the point, the "one of their demands is..." bit left me wondering who they are. Hmm. Seems as if there's a massive conspiracy afoot! :?
Lucky Tony is all I can say!
I don't think it's a good idea to cheery pick peoples ads though. Some people's requests may seem odd at times but that's no reason to single them out for scrutiny.
At least, not in public, where they might stumble in and feel slightly hurt that we're making fun of them. ;)
Nice parasols though.
Quote by Robbie
- who the fuck is Tony confused:
I'd love to know the background to this one...

Hi there Robbie
I cant decide if your the all time HeavyWeight Champion of Ad Trawling or if you just need to get out more..!!!
Maybe both..!!!! wink
Well yet another odd ad - but I would think it's probably a fake.
Perhaps a passing mod will read the hidden email address and check against the hookers list.
regards to all
Well, a passing mod came along and checked out the ad...... no bad marks against the person's details, so no-one has reported it as a fake (yet). She also has a similar ad in women seeking women. Lucky Ash, she doesn't realise how popular she is...
Now, will the real Tony please stand up!
I do hope this is genuine, it's very entertaining! lol
Perhapse it may be worth perusing this thread mate.
Previous thread about someone elses ad
My views havn't changed and I don't agree with scrutanising others ads in any way.
Does the ground feel a little unstable to you? Looks a bit shakey to me TBH.
Quote by surreycouple2003
- who the fuck is Tony confused:
I'd love to know the background to this one...

Hi there Robbie
I cant decide if your the all time HeavyWeight Champion of Ad Trawling or if you just need to get out more..!!!
Maybe both..!!!! wink
a mixture of intrigue and self-appreciation... Seriously though, I'm an amateur pyschologist and NLP practioner and as such i like to analyse people and see what i can deduce from what info is available - you can tell, exponentially, more about someone the more work they put into their 'social mask'. The ads are a veritible feast of social masks where the society is the swinging scene... i usually have a few looks a day cos people intrigue me and (back to the self-appreciation) if i think i've got some deductions spot on i feel good about myself (for all of 5 seconds).. ha ha. ;)
Some ads do however scream out to you... I need love, I've been hurt, I'm searching for some affection and advertising in the personal ads of a swinging website is so the wrong place for some of those people. I'm not suggesting some sort of nanny rule over the ads, far from it, people should be free to make their own choices and also be accountable for those choices.. its just interesting to see the things that people do under certain situations in various states of mind, it seems that in someways the personal ads here show the very extremes.
As ever, this is merely all in my own opinion...
Heh heh... you should look at mine, you'd have a field day.
Quote by easy
Does the ground feel a little unstable to you? Looks a bit shakey to me TBH.

Not at all... the thread in question was finding amusement from another personals sexual preferences - which in this environment is both hypocritical and .
I've made no reference on to what she wants to do - I'm merely pointing out the nature of the supposed reason for the ad. The two are poles apart...
Quote by Robbie

Does the ground feel a little unstable to you? Looks a bit shakey to me TBH.

Not at all... the thread in question was finding amusement from another personals sexual preferences - which in this environment is both hypocritical and .
I've made no reference on to what she wants to do - I'm merely pointing out the nature of the supposed reason for the ad. The two are poles apart...
Which is why I insinuated that you were on "shakey ground". You may not have made an open criticism and the person in question may not complain about it being highlighted in the forum, but until you can say for definate that they won't be offended about others discussing it, then, in my opinion, it should be left alone.
On a lighter note. I agree with your comments about "reading between the lines" of peoples ads and trying to get a profile of them (discourse psychology). Sometimes the ads just scream something at you.
easy (a very grumpy second year psychology student).
Quote by easy

Which is why I insinuated that you were on "shakey ground". You may not have made an open criticism and the person in question may not complain about it being highlighted in the forum, but until you can say for definate that they won't be offended about others discussing it, then, in my opinion, it should be left alone.

As you said i never insinuated anything, i didn't make any negative or derrogatory nuances regarding the ad and infact the negative connotation has been implied by you (open CRITICISM). Can you say that the person will be offended? Can you even claim that the ad is legitimate?
Regardless there is, and i'm sure would admit, serious cause to question the legitimacy and the validity of this ad. The validity can be brought into question because - should ads be allowed where the background is that the people/person in question are/is being made to do something... maybe this is a fantasy but it hasn't be clearly stated. This ad is dubious to say the least and as such i choose to play the 'undertaking my civic duty' card... ;)
Quote by Robbie
As you said i never insinuated anything, i didn't make any negative or derrogatory nuances regarding the ad and infact the negative connotation has been implied by you (open CRITICISM). Can you say that the person will be offended? Can you even claim that the ad is legitimate?

OK poor choice of words but the fact that you have chosen to post it on an open forum rather than following the agreed site rules regarding reporting suspicious ads to a moderator is open to interpretation.
I interpreted it as a way of ridiculing the advertiser because of her choice of advertising style. If it was a genuine question why didn't you email the advertiser, rather than creating a thread here?
Quote by Robbie
Regardless there is, and i'm sure would admit, serious cause to question the legitimacy and the validity of this ad. The validity can be brought into question because - should ads be allowed where the background is that the people/person in question are/is being made to do something... maybe this is a fantasy but it hasn't be clearly stated. This ad is dubious to say the least and as such i choose to play the 'undertaking my civic duty' card... ;)

As above. If you doubt the validity of this ad, then it should have been reported by using the button on the ad. That would have been 'undertaking my civic duty'.
From what I have read above there is no reason to doubt that it is from a genuine person and as such should only be offered up for the scrutany of the forum by the original poster (if that is you then nice boobs BTW wink ).
As has been said previously we consider the "pulling apart" or srutiny of other people's ads on a public forum to be in poor taste. What people put in their ads is personal and I'm sure some people would feel very distressed by it.
If you see an ad that needs reporting then please do it using the means provided.