I'd love to know the background to this one...
Quote by Robbie
- who the fuck is Tony:
I'd love to know the background to this one...
Quote by surreycouple2003
- who the fuck is Tony:
I'd love to know the background to this one...
Quote by easy
Does the ground feel a little unstable to you? Looks a bit shakey to me TBH.
Quote by Robbie
Does the ground feel a little unstable to you? Looks a bit shakey to me TBH.
Quote by easy
Which is why I insinuated that you were on "shakey ground". You may not have made an open criticism and the person in question may not complain about it being highlighted in the forum, but until you can say for definate that they won't be offended about others discussing it, then, in my opinion, it should be left alone.
Quote by Robbie
As you said i never insinuated anything, i didn't make any negative or derrogatory nuances regarding the ad and infact the negative connotation has been implied by you (open CRITICISM). Can you say that the person will be offended? Can you even claim that the ad is legitimate?
Quote by Robbie
Regardless there is, and i'm sure would admit, serious cause to question the legitimacy and the validity of this ad. The validity can be brought into question because - should ads be allowed where the background is that the people/person in question are/is being made to do something... maybe this is a fantasy but it hasn't be clearly stated. This ad is dubious to say the least and as such i choose to play the 'undertaking my civic duty' card... ;)