I joined AW as a result of someone on the chat in SH saying why are you doing this for free when you could earn money doing it on adult work. I was on cam playing. I looked into it and to cut a long story short I did it for a short period of time. Found it all a little boring though tbh and once AW have had there share of the money you earn, there is very little left. I packed it in after about 3 months. I met lots of other girls working on there that also play on SH and meet. I guess you can do both!
I worked out once that if I worked as an escort and charged the typical amount, I would only have to work 3 hours a week and I could pack in full time work and take home the same amount.
Definitely in the wrong job. LOL
AW is a site called Adult work Funlovers. Google it and all becomes plainly obvious mate
Don't know if this qualifies but i was chatting to a couple here 2 weeks ago about a gangbang. They were looking for 6 to 8 guys, but there was a cover charge of £50, they said to cover the cost of room & refreshments. Well £300 to £400 seems a little excessive to me, so i'm thinking there is a profit in there somewhere. What catagory does this fall into fun or business?
not so much of a clique, but more a flavour of the moment, selective notion. which attracts whatever participants that are available and willing to 'work' the idea.
usually it runs out of steam pretty quickly as it falters on basic logic, lack of constructive debate and the fundamentally poor origination of the topic.
good topics create interesting debate, poorly designed ones encourage arguments.
Well Smiley_boy has opened a can of worms!!!!
Is it now the question Smiley_boy has done the site & the community a "service" by pointing out that theres members who are paid for there company on the site?
A "disservice" to those members who indulge in some type of payed sexual work but come here to indulge there passions for free?
How many of the thousand odd hits this thread has had from members have then gone on to the said site & put in there area to see if they know anybody?
I have read the thread from start to finish, and whilst the subject is pretty uninteresting all round, the comments are fun to read.
There are some real touchy unhappy chappies here aren't there.
Great fun nonetheless.