For those of you that don't know XXX is a site for Female/Male escorts, couples etc.. to advertise their "services" and prices for sexual meets, incalls and outcalls as they refer to them.
Browsing through that site I have noticed an awful lot of people who also have profiles on Swinging Heaven, I just wondered if they were swingers who fancied earning some money from sex now and again or escorts using a swinging site to attract custom.
I'm not judging either way here, just curious, sorry if this subject has been brought up before, I can't see a thread on it anywhere recently.
Doesn't that site also have a free swingers section?
Maybe it's community service........ lol.
I happen to think it's bad form if sex workers use the site to drum up business and I'm of a suspicious enough mind to think that for most professional sex workers there would rarely be any reason other than that of drumming up business being on site. However, do I care? Do i heck as like. Do I object to sex work? Depends but fundamentally if its a choice thing then no. Do I think people who are found out peddling their business on SH should be allowed to? No I don't.
It's a hobbyist recreational site and anyone found "working" it should be hoofed out. Hell I don't even like the 'commercial events' pice of forum I think it gives a shite impression and i'd ;ike it gone or even put low down on the bottom of the left hand side menu bar as a link much like the SH Magazine link under shopping.
you find women and men hookering in all aspects of life. the specialists aren't found on a site like this though.
there were several women operating in the sites early days. i got a few pms from some. they are probably still operating now under new logins.
but as for the surprise on discovering them, it doesn't cause me concern.