Is it just me?
Over the past few months I have replied to adverts posted on members' profiles.
No one ever replies! Not even a 'thanks for your email but....'
I've had about 3 replies in total over 2yrs!
I appreciate some might get lots of responses but is it too much to ask for an Acknowledgement at least?
If you expect people to take the time to read and reply to your adverts at least respond....or don't post in the first place.
Very frustrating!!
Unfortunately Pete lots of people don't reply.
I'll hold my hands up and say I haven't replied to every message I've had in response to an advert. Sometimes there are too many.
Sometimes I don't reply almost on a point of principle if the person who has PM-ed me has just cut and pasted a message that has obviously gone to loads of other people too, or they are blatantly not what I am looking for, or they are rude and offensive.
But yes, you're right, it is disheartening and perhaps more people should do the 'thanks but no thanks' thing.
Hope you find what you're looking for though.
Nola x
This has to be one of the biggest 'gripes' here and its unfortunate but it happens.
Personally, I try to reply to all, even if its a thanks but no thanks. Courtesy costs nothing afterall.
Good luck
Thanks for the support.
I even tried mailing someone a second time just to see if it was something I said, or didn't say, that got no response.
Probably the wrong thing to do. But as you say, frustrating lol
There are so many males here all competing for the same thing. Perhaps try re-jigging your profile, add a little more about yourself and if you are confident enough, add a photo. I know, for obvious reasons,not everyone is comfortable putting face photos on profiles, me included. Try a search of the older posts and have a look what others say about this subject, you will find lots maybe something there will help
Yes Fabio, thanks for the reply.
Appreciate your time (and it must have took lots lol)
On reflection maybe I am at fault for not having a fuller profile. I'll make that No.1 on my to do list.
On the other hand, a lot of the people I reply to have very sparse profiles also. So if the 'get out what you put in' rule applies then maybe they don't deserve me lmao.
But seriously, thanks for your time and advice.