As Swinging Heaven's Head of Security I feel it is my responsibility to give some tips on how we can best prepare for such an incident.
Essential Supplies
Each member of the site should prepare a box which should only contain those items that are absolutely necessary.
Laptop - For emergency contact with SH.
Condoms - Flavoured are optional
Rabbit !!
Digital Camera - Just in case there is a Best Air Raid Shelter Pictures Competition later!!
KY Jel
Disposable Razor - We don't want those hairy bits becoming too hairy
Spare Batteries
Each member must build a strong sturdy shelter in which to evacuate to should the unthinkable happen (and by that I don't mean Jags saying "thanks for posting that cock pic in your Avatar")
There are two types of shelter recommended - Exterior and Interior:
Tie a piece of string between the washing line post and the fence, approximately three feet high. Place a blanket or sheet (depending on the time of year) over the string then pull out the corners to form a tent-like structure. Secure the corners with half bricks.
Place a duvet on the floor, inside the shelter to make it snuggly-buggly. This will protect you from any known terrorist threat or possible nuclear explosion.
Place a blanket over the kitchen table so that it drapes on the floor on each side. If this isn't possible, cut a few inches off each of the table legs until the desired drapage is achieved. Place a tin of beans on each of the four sides to hold the blanket down then nominate one of the sides to be the door. Remove the tin of beans from this side.
Place a duvet on the floor, inside the shelter to make it snuggly-buggly. This will protect you from any known terrorist threat or possible nuclear explosion.
For added protection, stick unused bin bags on to the windows!!!
Swinging Heaven Protection Plan
In the event of the site being the target of a terrorist strike we will need somewhere for the Moderators, under the guidance of Mark, to hold Strategy Meetings. It has been decided that the GFZ would be taken over as the SHHQ.
Mr FC and Ice Pie have been nominated to prepare the GFZ for such an eventuality. They must put sand bags on each window sill and make some nice criss-crosses on the windows with masking tape. I have no idea why they do that but a: It looks good, and b: They do it on all the War films!!
Venus and Lou have been nominated to ensure that the GFZ bar is constantly stocked with double the usual amount of alcohol throughout this period of uncertainty. :cheers:
I realise it must be a comfort knowing that whilst you are in your shelters, the Moderators will be hard at it in the GFZ on your behalf. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Please watch out for further updates on this subject and feel free to add your own suggestions.
Sergeant Earnest Bilko
Head of Security