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Age Difference-Does it Matter?

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In our four years of swinging, M has had sex with loads of different guys, ranging in age from 60 down to mid 20's. She's in her late 40's and has always thought that any guy younger than this would be too inexperienced for her and besides that she would be old enough to be their mother.
We went to our"local" club on Saturday night and unusually there was a very young couple in, first timers, 18 year old, who M gelled with immediately. Although the girl was clearly not interested in the scene, the lad was. M had sex with him while I chatted to the girl!
Despite all her previous hang-ups about age gaps, M said he was an amazing fu*k!
Has anyone else had any similar age gap experiences, and does age matter really?
I prefer guy to be fairly near my own age (41) when it comes to having sex with them. I find it extremely difficult to get over the fact that I may be old enough to be their mother :shock:
For this reason only, I try to find guys over the age of 30 or so.
Upwards age range is not a problem as long as the guy is in full working order wink
However, in your situation, I would def not have had sex with the guy if his girlfriend was not happy with the situation. I imagine they have now spent the entire weekend having arguments about him doing so rolleyes
Don't think this situation is so much about age, as about everyone being happy with the situation and clearly the girlfriend wasn't.
Quote by RedHot
Don't think this situation is so much about age, as about everyone being happy with the situation and clearly the girlfriend wasn't.

I guess that depends on wether the Girlfriend doesnt mind her boyfriend sleeping with others,but we work on an all happy policy,if one of them clearly wasnt happy we wouldnt take it any further!
As far as age is concerned,for us anything goes!!
I cant really talk about sexually coz I've never slept with anyone my own age but I'm 21, my boyfriend is 49 and age has never been an issue with us. We get on really well in all aspects of life. He is my best friend and a great sexual partner.
I suppose age is an issue to some people, everyone is different but to us it doesnt mean a thing.
I am 10 years older than Mrs Fac and she constantly tells me that she is much more mature.
She is actually. Well I do like my boys toys and gadgets. smile
Whenever we have met other people, they have always been younger than her, just because that's what she likes. Personally I don't mind how old they are, but she does have a very firm idea on what she wants.
I would like to try some people more our age one day, as I am sure the experience would be worth having. Although we can say that we have not had one bad experience yet, possibly because we are very particular who we invite into our home. And more important than anything else is that we like the people socially.
I agree with Red Hit ion this one, Im afraid I cant fuck anyone young enough to be my son, just wouldnt seem right. Allso there are so many of this age group that dont want a llover but a teacher, not my sceen. I did once try out a 25 year old and he was a big dissapointment!!(acctually I probably should have put, he was big and a dissapointment)
It comforts those of us who aren't to know that those who are don't always know what to do with it!
Age only really matters if you let it. If the girl in the younger two had an issue in the first instance, she should have said no thanks. Obviously the guy was keen, and that is between those two if they wish to play alone or together, likewise yourselves. It must be nice to be wanted by someone younger, and compliments your partner well... wink
biggrin Not to me been with younger girls and a lot older women, the results, the good and the bad were accross the board, but if you jell on personalities then watch out for the sparks, yes I meet couples and single females and all I've met I'm still in touch with as friends....good hunting and play
Age has never been an issue with only thing that WBB insists on is that the guy is older than she is,i leave this to her discretion. mean we have guys as young as 18 on here then...
sweet talking furker aint I...? wink
Quote by snowcpl226
I cant really talk about sexually coz I've never slept with anyone my own age but I'm 21, my boyfriend is 49 and age has never been an issue with us. We get on really well in all aspects of life. He is my best friend and a great sexual partner.
I suppose age is an issue to some people, everyone is different but to us it doesnt mean a thing.

Now that's what I like to read, and which makes this old stiff happy (and a little stiff!). At the ripe age of 46, bodily, but a good couple of decades younger mentally, I fully approve of young women going out with men old enough to be their fathers. It certainly gives me hope smile
I'm still a swinging virgin so can't talk about having it off with folk in the 'scene', but I was never too proud to go out with much older women. For 3 years I had a great relationship with a woman 13 years my elder who fucked like a rabbit, squirted like a firehose, kept me in beer during my darkest days, and taught me an awful lot about women and sex. Whilst in maturity terms I was probably near 30 years her junior (we men usually lag at least a decade behind females mentally) I like to think that, although I was a major PITA to her at times (occasionally literally), my youthful energy and stamina made up for me being a complete wanker.
I'm currently going out with a woman 9 years older, but in the past have gone out with women 10 years younger. If neither of you wants age to be a factor and the tut-tutting of the outside world is water off a duck's back then, frankly, it won't be factor.
Just my 2 Euro's worth as a middle-aged git who still lusts after 20-year-olds :P
Mr Licks
When you stop lusting mate, you know either the teabags or coffee are laced with bromide oR you are well past it....hope it NEVER happens... wink
Well, i personally dont think age matters, I'm 19 and Daz is 35, i was 17 when i got with him, and even i thought it was going to be a problem, but almost 16 months on, i havent looked back!!!
But thats in our relationship. We often have disagreements about swinging because of the age gap - I wouldnt feel 100% comfortable swinging with someone of 45, whereas Daz would, being that it's only 10 years between him and them!! As a comprimise, we say between 38 - 40 is the absolute limit, otherwise its a bit too close to parental age for my liking, lol!!!!!
the age gap thing is an interesting one... i always tell people that age is just nothing but a number... but in the end it always comes down to what you feel comfortable with... and if age is a consideration then that is a shame... i know people who are 60 going on 20 (my dad!!!) i also know people who are 30 going on 60 (me acting like my grandad!!!) biggrin :D :D
sean xxxxxxxx (hititng 20-10 soon... i want loads of pressies....)