In our four years of swinging, M has had sex with loads of different guys, ranging in age from 60 down to mid 20's. She's in her late 40's and has always thought that any guy younger than this would be too inexperienced for her and besides that she would be old enough to be their mother.
We went to our"local" club on Saturday night and unusually there was a very young couple in, first timers, 18 year old, who M gelled with immediately. Although the girl was clearly not interested in the scene, the lad was. M had sex with him while I chatted to the girl!
Despite all her previous hang-ups about age gaps, M said he was an amazing fu*k!
Has anyone else had any similar age gap experiences, and does age matter really?
I cant really talk about sexually coz I've never slept with anyone my own age but I'm 21, my boyfriend is 49 and age has never been an issue with us. We get on really well in all aspects of life. He is my best friend and a great sexual partner.
I suppose age is an issue to some people, everyone is different but to us it doesnt mean a thing.
I agree with Red Hit ion this one, Im afraid I cant fuck anyone young enough to be my son, just wouldnt seem right. Allso there are so many of this age group that dont want a llover but a teacher, not my sceen. I did once try out a 25 year old and he was a big dissapointment!!(acctually I probably should have put, he was big and a dissapointment)
It comforts those of us who aren't to know that those who are don't always know what to do with it!
Age has never been an issue with only thing that WBB insists on is that the guy is older than she is,i leave this to her discretion.
Well, i personally dont think age matters, I'm 19 and Daz is 35, i was 17 when i got with him, and even i thought it was going to be a problem, but almost 16 months on, i havent looked back!!!
But thats in our relationship. We often have disagreements about swinging because of the age gap - I wouldnt feel 100% comfortable swinging with someone of 45, whereas Daz would, being that it's only 10 years between him and them!! As a comprimise, we say between 38 - 40 is the absolute limit, otherwise its a bit too close to parental age for my liking, lol!!!!!