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Am I wasting my time?

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I have spoken to lots of people on SH chat rooms and have found myself laughing and interacting with people that make me laugh.
Only then to find they don’t have pictures or a cam, I then sometimes are put off by the fact I can’t see who I am talking to, but there are other times the person is interesting enough to hold my attention span.
I feel intrigued to know what this people looks like, so end up talking over a period of time.
Should I give up wasting time waiting to find out?
Or do you think sometimes good things come to those that wait?
Before anyone says I don’t have pictures, I do have a cam so am happy to show others who they are talking to
I sometimes think patience is a virtue but you can only be expected to be patient for so long.
I remember 'chatting' on MSN for quite a while with someone from here who refused point blank to show me a pic. We got on quite well but his problem was discretion. He had met someone who wasnt what could be called discreet and I think this experience scared the life out of him.
I tried for a long time to be patient, I showed him a pic of me and even went on cam in the hope he would begin to trust but to no avail.
In hindsight, I wouldnt do that again. He could have been anyone,my boss, a family member a client from work and my cover here could have been blown.
I dont have face pics on my profile and will only send to an email address on receipt of a face pic from whoever requests to see mine, only fair I reckon. I am prepared to go on cam via MSN, when I can remember to sign in lol but not on site. I know too many people and wouldnt want recognising here.
If they say they dont have pics then I would suggest they get some done, no excuse in this day and age, even if they dont know how to do it, theres always someone here who can help out.
I dont think you should give in, some things are worth a little wait.
Someone really has to make the first move tho wink
Or people could go on for ever saying" you show me yours and I'll show you mines"
Quote by woohoo
Someone really has to make the first move tho wink
Or people could go on for ever saying" you show me yours and I'll show you mines"

I am always on cam lol..I think people are sick of seeing me! lol
Quote by woohoo
Someone really has to make the first move tho wink
Or people could go on for ever saying" you show me yours and I'll show you mines"

I did, he didnt lol This went on for months, how long's a girl to wait??? dunno
Now if someone requests a pic, I think its fair they send theirs with their request and if they, like me, dont want to send pics via site then at least swap email addresses and do it that way.
This is one issue which really gets my goat ( see my profile).
I like the site and have had some fun chats and very occasional meets.
The dangers as i see it is that once a pic/cam is posted on here it is available to anyone.
I can understand the curiosity issue of wanting to see who you are talking to but set against this is the fact that what is essentially a bit of fun could potentially ruin the lives of individuals and thier families.
Therefore i think that it should not be assumed that pictures are not posted for sinister may simply be ,as is my case, that individuals wish to preseve their privacy for legitimate reasons.
Quote by Theladyisaminx
I am always on cam lol..I think people are sick of seeing me! lol

Whereas!! I am the opposite, people get sick seeing me :lol:
Quote by bigbuns2
This is one issue which really gets my goat ( see my profile).
I like the site and have had some fun chats and very occasional meets.
The dangers as i see it is that once a pic/cam is posted on here it is available to anyone.
I can understand the curiosity issue of wanting to see who you are talking to but set against this is the fact that what is essentially a bit of fun could potentially ruin the lives of individuals and thier families.
Therefore i think that it should not be assumed that pictures are not posted for sinister may simply be
,as is my case, that individuals wish to preseve their privacy for legitimate reasons.

Quote by bigbuns2
This is one issue which really gets my goat ( see my profile).
I like the site and have had some fun chats and very occasional meets.
The dangers as i see it is that once a pic/cam is posted on here it is available to anyone.
I can understand the curiosity issue of wanting to see who you are talking to but set against this is the fact that what is essentially a bit of fun could potentially ruin the lives of individuals and thier families.
Therefore i think that it should not be assumed that pictures are not posted for sinister may simply be ,as is my case, that individuals wish to preseve their privacy for legitimate reasons.

I agree thats why I have no pics, but I find a cam better. I dont mind showing my face in a public room but there are private rooms you can go to where the door is locked for the more nervous types. I dont think there is a reason then not to go on cam.
Quote by Theladyisaminx
I agree thats why I have no pics, but I find a cam better. I dont mind showing my face in a public room but there are private rooms you can go to where the door is locked for the more nervous types. I dont think there is a reason then not to go on cam.

Sometimes easier said than done. I have done that once with a regular from the 'cafe' it took us ages to do it. I think one of us wasnt quick enough and if you arent quick enough the 'room' disappears lol
Minxy dont you have MSN? Much easier than setting up private rooms here. Perhaps others may be more at ease with that.
wonders if all the msn talk today will remind me to sign into mine more
Quote by helnheaven
I sometimes think patience is a virtue but you can only be expected to be patient for so long.
I remember 'chatting' on MSN for quite a while with someone from here who refused point blank to show me a pic. We got on quite well but his problem was discretion. He had met someone who wasnt what could be called discreet and I think this experience scared the life out of him.
I tried for a long time to be patient, I showed him a pic of me and even went on cam in the hope he would begin to trust but to no avail.
In hindsight, I wouldnt do that again. He could have been anyone,my boss, a family member a client from work and my cover here could have been blown.
I dont have face pics on my profile and will only send to an email address on receipt of a face pic from whoever requests to see mine, only fair I reckon. I am prepared to go on cam via MSN, when I can remember to sign in lol but not on site. I know too many people and wouldnt want recognising here.
If they say they dont have pics then I would suggest they get some done, no excuse in this day and age, even if they dont know how to do it, theres always someone here who can help out.
I dont think you should give in, some things are worth a little wait.

I know how yoy feel here, I have had the same thing happen on occasions. It makes me feel a little miffed as it has been very one sided. Surely it is only fair to both be able to see who we are talking to.
I think part of the problem of timewasters etc on this site is that all profiles are visible to everyone,so joe bloggs a non paying member can trawl around looking at everyone. But you would think paying members wouldn't be just playing games but as the membership is only i suspect there are many members on here who are not what they say they are and are just playing games/picture collecting its cheaper than buying a top shelf mags from the newagents
Quote by Saralou69
I think part of the problem of timewasters etc on this site is that all profiles are visible to everyone,so joe bloggs a non paying member can trawl around looking at everyone. But you would think paying members wouldn't be just playing games but as the membership is only i suspect there are many members on here who are not what they say they are and are just playing games/picture collecting its cheaper than buying a top shelf mags from the newagents

Can i just say, Im a non paying member and I dont have a face pic on site. It doesent mean Im a timewaster and I think all the other non paying members who dont have pics will take exception to that comment.
You should also be reminded that some of us non paying members have been around since before the site was taken over and were given free membership as a goodwill gesture. Our membership here is as valid as yours
im always on cam but never expect others to do it, aslong as before i meet i have seen a face pic, im not really into watching "sexy cams" either i tend to watch those who show faces i like to watch their reactions etc i no im strange and on the odd occasion me and other willing victim will do something that only works if you can see both cams! which apart from me and her/him no one else cam rolleyes :roll:
I'm a non paying member & I don't have face pics on the site coz I'm fugly.
Quote by winchwench
I'm a non paying member & I don't have face pics on the site coz I'm fugly.
if your fugly im a beasty smackbottom
Quote by helnheaven
I think part of the problem of timewasters etc on this site is that all profiles are visible to everyone,so joe bloggs a non paying member can trawl around looking at everyone. But you would think paying members wouldn't be just playing games but as the membership is only i suspect there are many members on here who are not what they say they are and are just playing games/picture collecting its cheaper than buying a top shelf mags from the newagents

Can i just say, Im a non paying member and I dont have a face pic on site. It doesent mean Im a timewaster and I think all the other non paying members who dont have pics will take exception to that comment.
You should also be reminded that some of us non paying members have been around since before the site was taken over and were given free membership as a goodwill gesture. Our membership here is as valid as yours
I did mean new free members,if you have on here since it was free good luck to you.
Quote by bigbuns2
This is one issue which really gets my goat ( see my profile).
I like the site and have had some fun chats and very occasional meets.
The dangers as i see it is that once a pic/cam is posted on here it is available to anyone.
I can understand the curiosity issue of wanting to see who you are talking to but set against this is the fact that what is essentially a bit of fun could potentially ruin the lives of individuals and thier families.
Therefore i think that it should not be assumed that pictures are not posted for sinister may simply be ,as is my case, that individuals wish to preseve their privacy for legitimate reasons.

I have heard a zillion reasons why people do not have pics on their profiles, but a lot of those same people also have nothing written either? :shock:
I can understand people wanting to remain discreet but what is wrong with putting pictures up, and leaving them in your private gallery? That way you and you alone can pick and choose who you want to see them. I do not entertain people who cant even be arsed to write anything at all, do they think they will be recognised by saying, slim, 5ft10 and do not smoke? No they wont. So beggers the question why not write something? Timewasters perhaps?
If after chatting someone is still reluctant to supply a pic we just cut them short. We have been pissed around and have learned that you just move on and its their loss. We have pictures and am sorry but we just dont believe the excuses anymore.
I agree kentswingers
there are so many options these days to not having anything to show before meeting, private pictures, cams in private rooms or msn.
Personally I think if they are too shy to show face on cam especially when ive got mine on then what will they be like when we do meet??
I often wonder if these people who refuse to show face before meeting actually get anywhere, are there any people reading who have nothing on their profile but get meets??
We all have our own little rules, many of them are for our own protection.The only people I have an issue with are those that argue after you have stated those rules !! wtf :shock:[/quote
I agree Flower, I have my own rules as am sure do most of us. It is natural.
I think you just have to go with your own gut instinct or your own rules when deciding if pursuing someone is a waste of time or not. Not everyone is a timewaster, but some are.
It seems this boils down to the one question.
1. Would you meet someone who you have never seen??
My answer would be absolutely not.
As someone stated before, the reason that they don't cam is in case someone recognises them.
But what happens when they arrange to meet the person they have never met and find out it is their boss, best friend ,or even a relative etc that has turned up confused
Quote by woohoo
It seems this boils down to the one question.
1. Would you meet someone who you have never seen??
My answer would be absolutely not.
As someone stated before, the reason that they don't cam is in case someone recognises them.
But what happens when they arrange to meet the person they have never met and find out it is their boss, best friend ,or even a relative etc that has turned up confused

Exactly Woo.
There are females on this site who go on cam and have pic fgs. So if they will why wont guys? :shock:
Maybe being cynical but maybe dont want their wives finding out somehow? A possibility. lol
If I put my pics on here people wouldn't speak to me :shock:
And if I put Mrs C's pics on here she wouldn't speak to me! confused
Truth is, we're here more because we enjoy the relaxed liberal attitude and aren't looking to shag anything that moves, so pics are mostly unimportant to us.
Personally I feel people should be able to see who they're talking to so if I'm in chat I have my cam on,however I don't believe I have the right to impose this on others.I met bb sight unseen she didn't/doesn't look as I expected she is however the person I expected and we've been very happy since last August.
My point I think is that I don't talk to some-ones "appearance" I talk to/with the person, sometimes it's worth taking the chance.
Quote by Saralou69
I think part of the problem of timewasters etc on this site is that all profiles are visible to everyone,so joe bloggs a non paying member can trawl around looking at everyone. But you would think paying members wouldn't be just playing games but as the membership is only i suspect there are many members on here who are not what they say they are and are just playing games/picture collecting its cheaper than buying a top shelf mags from the newagents

Hi Saralou
I can't do the double quote thingy (you've commented further down the thread).
Free members that have joined since becoming a paysite, can view profiles but
can't view any photos without subscribing.
of course, for those whom wish to regulate who sees pictures, there is always the 'private gallery' in your profile.
you can invite whoever you wish to view... and only them, for however long you wish.
if this has already been mentioned, please excuse me... Im slow and old
Quote by __random_orbit__
of course, for those whom wish to regulate who sees pictures, there is always the 'private gallery' in your profile.
you can invite whoever you wish to view... and only them, for however long you wish.
if this has already been mentioned, please excuse me... Im slow and old

But is it safe? Can it be hacked? Im not very trusting of this interwebby thingy confused
hmmm... indeed.
what, and where can be seen as safe?
is it safe?
ask Dustin Hoffman
Quote by __random_orbit__
hmmm... indeed.
what, and where can be seen as safe?
is it safe?
ask Dustin Hoffman

Well there you have it. That is why I wont post my ugly mush on here, not even in 'private' lol
how about....
.... hosting on imageshag or somesuch...
that can be pm'd through this system, then as soon as you know that someone has viewed their mail, you can delete the original image from the host too.
a little fussy, and means having to load and delete regularly from the host...
or is that all getting a tad 'subterfuginal'?
perhaps sending some rough sketches of your countenance, simply to give an 'impression' of how you appear?
I know... arange, with the help of a trusted third-party, a blindfold introductory meet?
the thrid party can ensure you are all at the right place at the right time, and the 'introductees' don thier blindfols, are introduced, to then feel for a lvelof mutual attraction, if indeed that is the reason behind the initial need for the pic?
those who have been inroduced can then retire to safe, unseen reflection... a time to make up your minds etc etc.
though: beware replacements cock-shots using this method