Its interesting to find out what people did before they become notorious.
I reckon saddam was a childrens book illustrator, possibly a plumber.
And Adolf was a private 1st class in the Austrian Army. That is why my mother cried when I became a seaman 1st class because she thought I might start a war.
Adolf was also an author and wrote a few novels.
Goodwin's law is explained here:
link deleted cos of threat of Trojan Horse virus
and even more here:
Just a note - that Tripod "Goodwins Law" site hides a pop-up, in which is hidden a Trojan Horse virus that just nearly kebabed my system lol.
I have seen those references to goodwins (or godwins) law before and will no doubt see them again but have you ever looked deeper than the two links you have just posted the goodwin principle is promoted and was originally conceived by members of an organisation that promotes race hate,religious hate and bigotry against all things non-aryan and heterosexual, and currently these pleasant people are jumping on the resurgence of pagan beliefs to bolster their ranks...don't believe me? just try searching for odinism or stormfront on google,as a practicioner of the old norse faith,and an active member of the anti nazi league for 25 years, it opened my eyes,,the theory being if it doesn't get mentioned as much we'll all forget about it,,this is also one of the organisations that tried to say the holocaust never happened,,,so 'remember basil,,,don't mention the war' and also pray tell if we can't compare tyrants and despots etc to 'that chappy with the funny moustache' then who exactly can we compare them to,(in a worst case scenario styley)?
P.S. please don't search for the above items if you have any faith in this planet having a future,because if that lot ever get any power then we're all in trouble!!
Being an 'anti nazi' logically requires the existence of nazis. Who are therefore essential to an 'anti nazi' they all part of the same continuum?
Not really. I could declare myself to be "Anti-Nofushiaenium" - doesn't mean Nofushiaenium exists... if it did, however, it should be a type of plant lol
The theory alone has to exist thats all.