For Splendid
I'd like a cheeky snog under the mistletoe with the Splendid one but I'd like to make sure there's a soft landing just in case! :inlove:
But.....if I typed it on would then not be anonymous!!!
Noooooo Lucy and , send it to me and I post it on your behalf, without telling anyone who its from.
For Bilko
The Christmas Fairy
I sit atop your Christmas tree,
All clad in pink, a real fairy.
The reason I appear so glum,
The sprig of spruce stuck up my bum.
Jolly good show Mrs B - PMs incoming!
To Sixfootsix:
I need a box to stand on for a kiss under the mistletoe
so come and lay down by my side and kiss me nice and slow
To A-Tre
Heres hoping?!!!!
To Essex34m
If you were in my Xmas Stocking I'd def not "boot" you out Boxing Day! :inlove:
Still on my WLTM list... :rascal:
for sixfootsix
when whosoever has finished with 6foot6 can i have a go :smile2:
To random-Orbit:
I quite fancy you. Pucker up, Kissy face.
not that ive been keeping an eye on this thread or anything... just happened to breeze through...
"kissy face"? :shock:
To Peanut
I'd love you to french kiss me.....all over :rascal:
To LucyandMike7
Nice chats, luv :grin:
To the Splendid One
would you like to wave your 'magic wand' in my direction sometime :rascal:
To Sexy1lucy
You love vegetation but give up dean’s tree
You’ll have lots more fun mistletoeing with me
No need for fairy lights filling the sky
You light up the room when you smile, that’s no lie !!