Do you reply to adverts on here?
If so, what catches your eye? Is it the text, the pics, the proximity to you?
I've just spotted one that caught my eye and I have to say it was a combo of pics and text.
What makes a good advert? Do you actually use the adverts yourself?
As I day I'm not that brave, Morb and I probably have different views on who we'd want as well so he has an advert for himself (I think) but I've never gone down that route.
I'm not the world's most successful swinger ROFL perhaps I should consider adverts in the future.
I dont bother as knock backs are the usual reply so I save my time :lol2:
I went through a phase of answering adverts here - sometimes because of handsome penis - sometimes because of a handsome turn of phrase...
The best meets were with the men who had both!
Hope you get the answer you're waiting for nola - he/she/they'd be mad not to!
wow Nola, you really are brave. I haven't ever replied to Adverts as I can't be bothered to trawl through the dross.
I must confess that if someone has caught my eye - in chat- and they have a well written, amusing, advert I am more likely to take notice and talk to them more.
How is it going ? Have you had a reply ?
Nah I never reply, I rarely look at them unless I have nothing better to do on a cold n wet Sunday afternoon - hmmmmmmmmm guess that's my afternoon sorted for today!