Quote by Scandal
Hey you, if I remember correctly you decided to eat your own falafel that night!
I wanted people to nibble it, not eat it! :wink:
Oh...I don't do small portions, that's where I went wrong
Quote by AwaysRandy
Yeah babe, you can invite me to your party anyday . Quick baby, invite me round, my car will get me there in no time. I'm hungry, and i have a big appetite
I can be very bad if you want me to be :D . I do have a very good looking brother aswell, hes in the 1st year of 6th form.. We can definitely do a 2-for-1 special for you baby so come check out our vegetable section :wink: . You’ll find all the firm cucumbers you need ther babe. :D
You should let me & my bro come round and take all your clothes off, we’ll dance on your table :D. An we promise we will try our best not to cool you down – you won't find us hanging around the garden. :D You can have the both of us if you know what I mean :wink: .
And yeah baby, I like pizza.
Ps can do the door for you 8-)
Quote by SunBunny
So where do you like to spread it? Are you a bap boy or a bun man? Or do you prefer the Scandinavian open sandwich?
Should it go on the cheese platters at the party or remain an undercover currency?
Quote by AwaysRandy
So where do you like to spread it? Are you a bap boy or a bun man? Or do you prefer the Scandinavian open sandwich?
Should it go on the cheese platters at the party or remain an undercover currency?
Quote by SunBunny
i werent thinkin platter so much as splatter -all over your baps if your lucky
So how about it baby are you ready? my cars already runnin