We spend hours, or days, preparing the food. The foreplay we have while seducing each other on MSN or flirting in the forum is like the preparation of a good meal, and you never know how it will turn out. Too many eggs can flop the soufflé and under-tenderised steak can cause disappointment and bits in the teeth.
There are many aspects to consider and we aim to make sure the end result satisfies all parties.
Lets Meet Up is like a trip to the supermarket - see what bargains are on offer and if we can get any 2-for-1 offers. There is something for everyone, and not all of it good for you.

You never know if that pizza is gonna taste as good as it looks - even though you have bought it because it appeals to you. And there are bad apples in every trolley - but experienced shoppers can spot them before getting as far as taking a bite.
Doggers are like smokers who hang out more in bathrooms or in the garden. They have a dirty habit and are excluded in public places. A dogger is like the old geezer that gropes you in the hall, or the exhibitionist who dirty dances with himself naked on the table in the middle of cheese and biscuits. (No offence please doggers - or smokers - it’s just an analogy :wink: )
We meet all sorts of people in the Café - extrovert minglers with good social skills; shy wallflowers who speak little, and quietly; young boys who don’t know how to behave amongst adults, who cant hold their drink and get leary.
‘You will always find me in the kitchen at parties’…..Yeah, like GFZ. Some are too intimidated to venture in and go mingle elsewhere.
If a guest insults the cook he gets attacked by other diners, and poor taste jokes bring icy glares. No dessert for you mister. We may even throw you out in the cold. Carry on without you.
There are little groups of people all over the room, some huddled and gossiping, laughing out loud at private jokes; some having a serious discussion and getting pissed off because a guy that no one has seen before is being prattish and trying to be funny; some playing filthy word games, slamming tequilas and stripping off when they lose. There are domestic discussions and football talk for those that are interested. All are absorbing the sexual atmosphere that lays heavy in the room, and innuendo is rife. It gets worse as the evening goes on.
The hosts (the Mods) get involved and say hello to everyone but are also constantly watching the guests, concerned that the house is respected and that people are happy. They frown upon bad manners and shouting, and regularly clear out the toilets, make sure there is plenty of bog roll and soap, no lurkers in macs. They make you feel welcome everywhere and you kinda know you will not go home hungry.
The meal itself , with everyone sat down, is like SH’s thriving party scene, where we have our fill of food and wine - and where we don’t know what will be given to us. The food may not be to everyone’s taste - some will restrain and eat nothing, others will have a nibble, others will have a bite of everyone else’s, others will feast until they are sated and in need of a good sleep. There will be veggies, pure meat-eaters, others who prefer fish and others who just want junk, not caring to look at the package, just ramming it in.
Anyway. Happy eating everyone. What's for dessert?