Sorry if this has been done before! (No pun intended).
Today, at work, I said something and was then proved to be wrong. Once I had stopped blushing, I apologised to the person concerned and took the ear bashing I deserved.
I was just wondering if many people on here are able to apologise for mistakes they have made, be it verbal or otherwise.
I was wrong once.
I thought I had made a mistake, but I was wrong.
I accept that.
I'm staggeringly wrong, staggeringly often. So Sorry is probably one of the most oft used phrases in my vocabulary...
However I understand that saying it does not diminish the size of my manhood or makes me look foolish. You learn from admitting your mistakes a great deal more, than by blindly thinking you are right all the time. It does irk to say it sometimes to some folk but often that can be a case of injured pride or ego on my behalf than a fault in the other person.
I'm not sure I understand the concept of being in the wrong. If somebody would like to explain that would be lovely.
Yup, if I'm wrong I'll admit it & apologise. What's more- I'll mean it.
if i say something wrong or make a mistake ,as soon as i realise it then i will apologize
I would like to apologist to my parents for keeping secrets, but then they would know I have secrets.
in the wrong---- to blame in error
I honestly try very hard not to blame people so I rarely do so in error.
Being wrong--- not in accordance with what is morally right or good: a wrong deed.
------- not correct in action, judgment, opinion, method, etc., as a person; in error: You are wrong to blame him.
Well the only time I suppose I could be this is if I fail to live up to my own standards. I honestly dont do that very often either.
I expect an awful lot of people wander through life worrying about being wrong/in the wrong and worrying about being judged for it and worrying about somebody being offended and then apologising for it.
That seems like an awful way to spend your brief time on this earth.
I am never right, apparently, or so my kids and partner say!
Not so much perfect as content.
The embarrassment of apologising for being wrong when we were so certain that we were right is a fabulous way of helping us to remember the new thing that we just learned.
If I am wrong I will apologise and I will try to learn from the expierence.
I have no problem saying sorry at all and meaning it xxx