Okay - Jersey Royals are out. Ate them on Saturday, Sunday and will again tonight.
The question is ----- Are they better than sex? Or is any other food better than sex?
Potatoes are OK, but I would say that only the most crap sex would come second. I much prefer sex to potatoes, regardless of their variety.
Jersey Royals are somewhat over rated, but steamed newbie pots smothered in butter would be great for recovering energy after a deliciously long session....
there is a market stall not too far from here that sells steamed baby pots..... mmmmm beat chips or pies anyday;
but have to agree WBB Sex would always win in a head to head match.... or even in a taste test!!!
Cant believe a potato is being compaired to sex!!
Can potatoes be compared with sex? All I would say is that I can grow spuds outside my back door, dig 'em, dressed in shitty overalls and muddy boots, and satisfy my lust for them at least four times per day, seven days per week. Enough said.
Jersey Royals are good, no doubt, but try English Organic 'Duke of York' earlies, a really old variety that has tons of flavour. I love them lightly boiled with a fresh fried egg and lashings of Chervil. Also, the 'second early' salad varieties-'Nicola' and 'Belle De Fontenay' are amazing, waxy and firm, with fantastic flavour hot or cold, brilliant in salads.
Also, even the best of supermarket potatoes , and there are some good ones out there, pale into insignificance when compared to the glory of home grown. If you've never tried it, go on, go on, go on! It's really easy. Anyone interested, PM me.