depends on wether you like bbw or just the larger lady. my ex g/f was size 18 but never looked it and she looked sexy as f**k (have pix to prove too) As well as that its nice to have something to grab hold of when ya rolling around in the throws of passion. give me a larger gal any day i say. victoria beckham style gals do nothing for
they can be, depends on the woman like always
shame no women have entered an opinion
I find all types of women sexy and I feel a real hetero sexual alpha male has the ability to see beauty in most women.I mean if you get it up when your dancing with her, that means shes worth a fuck.I go to BBW night clubs and I think you should see for your self.I have found bigger women are easier to please, they tend to be less stuck up them self and dare I say it an easier if I have offended any one that way, but looking at generalization you will find that is if you are a goodlooking 20 year old!
lol well i can assure u i am far from easy to pull lol
Well I still think a larger lady is sexier to look at. Those stick insects you see on page 3 & the catwalks are undernourished and have about as much sex appeal as a car crash. Us guys sometimes yearn for a stretch mark or a love handle. Sexiness may be a state of mind but to be sexually and physically attractive its better to be a size 14 rather than a 10. No offence to the gals who are size 10 ok.... you are probably lovely but you just aint got what it takes for me to rise to the occassion.
Foxy.I am mesmerised by your avatar,you have a fantastic arse,It matters very little about a womans size,I'm amazed you've been turned down by thing with women is it could be a particular look you get from them, ,the way they're stood,what they're wearing at a particular point in time,the way they dance or move,their size doesn't matter,there are horny big women,horny slim women,horny is in the head mostly,I just love horny women irrespective of size or is horny and some women don't have to do anything to be just my view.
i think it take many sweets to make a selection
people have different preferences
i would never turn someone down on size thought
being an arsenal supporter if she had a spurs shirt on that would be different
could have a poll on this ,but no way am i starting it jags would cut my balls off more polls from me till june earliest
i think its about personality, if shes got it, it doesnt matter what size...also depends if you find them attractive, some large women are not as attractive as others, same goes for skinny people, depends on the individual, so to say 'are large women more attrative than skinny ones' is abit of a sweeping statement...
well as a male who loves bbw in my experience yes i do find the larger lady more attractive not just physically although i do have a preference. have been out with size 6 women to size 26 women larger ladies are more in tune with themselves mind and body they arent preoccupied with attaining the percieved perfection we are always being told in the media we must have therefore the personality of the person shines through i find they are more fun and what you see is what you get and for me thats the most important thing .
sparky fin
When men are looking to pay for sex they usually go for women size 12 and under even if the women are charging so much for an hour and the bbw is at least £50 cheaper or more look at adultwork and you will see the bbw hardly get looked at or a booking.
I know this because i've studied the way men look at when a bbw is giving herself away for nothing all the desperate men crawl out of the woodwork saying size and looks don't !
too right, all the thinner women i know, seem to spend most of the day moaning about how they are going fat (clue: let nature take it course girls!!). To reverse the question do any of the ladies on here like larger men? (and i dont mean between their legs)
Can't understand why Foxy won best bum of the year,oh yes I can,fuck I've just cum again looking at her avatar.
why are we yet again suggesting that sexiness is to do with your clothes size?
there is no hard and fast rule that says that one size is good... another is bad.
i am sexy because i am me... not because i am fat! lol
there are plenty of slim girls who are sexy , just as there are plenty of bigger ones who are just as sexy.
there are also just as many mingers in both categories.
please can we stop all the labeling and start to look at people as individuals.
my size is just one of my many charecteristics.... its does not define me!