I 've just realised that if I put even half the time and energy into my career / work / study as I 've put into Swinging Sites in the past month, I would be well on the way to becoming a millionaire, President of a major corporation or have written a large chunk of a Ph D thesis.
Is this obsessive behaviour or what !
its not no way is it ! :shock:
I can stop anytime, honest :shock:
That would have to be an almighty "HELL YEAH!!!!"
hmmmm - let me think........
errrrrmmmm, NO
(.......checks her post count......)
(..... remembers that's she's left twice....)
awwww OK then - perhaps they (well this one anyway) are!
its when your finger shakes over the submit button when talking with a celtic mod or when you wonder if you should say what you are going to say to a scouse wench in PM who calls you a div, or when you are not sure how to excite a secretarial vixen ( tap shoes or business suit) in PM then you know you are hooked
there is no cure I have tried the penecillin.
Maybe I should try drink
Well I spend more time on here than I do the site I run, but thats only to prove that I`m not addicted to my site you understand................ :uhoh:
Nah, i just dont want to stop , know what I mean?
Yes and I certainly wouldn't dream of being here in the middle of the night even though I know I have to get up early. That would just be stupid.
signs of addiction to swingingheaven........
1 . . . you realise that spending 16 hours in the chatroom every day ( yes, even at work! ) is potentially "a problem", and decide that since the forum's slower, you'll not need to be logged in so long!
2 . . . you realise that spending 16 hours in the cafe reading every thread, everyday, seeking out each, every and any opportunity to post, whether it makes sense to anyone but you or not, is not helping and is potentially injurious to mental health given the company you keep!
3 . . . you realise that an attempt to curb your worst fire-n-forget, scatter-gun posting stylee, by deciding not to log in automatically so you can't post and won't be tempted is not helping, cos there could just possibly be a pm that hasn't been noticed to your email addy, and you'd feel even worse if you missed something! <<< or conversely, a pm noticed to your email might be deleted before you can pick it up!!! grrrrr can you imagine? ;-) >>>
4 . . . you realise that suffering withdrawal symptoms during a day or two away from the site is not helping cos not only have you endured the bloody symptoms, but now there's just a backlog of threads requiring 16 hours of careful scrutiny ((( see point 2 ))) and you missed a pm and agonise for hours abouts it's possible content? ((( see point 3 )))
5 . . . you realise that during your time off-site, logging into the chatroom anonymously or otherwise "just cos i wanna test these new mIRC scripts, that's all, honest" is not a valid strategy and is not helping! ((( see point 1 )))
6 . . . you realise reading a fellow members recent thread on stages of SH involvement, that not only can you identify with every stage, but can add a few of your own, with subtle variations.
7 . . . you realise you are hopelessly fecking addicted, that the only possible support group also happen to be the cause of said addiction, there's bugger all you can do about it short of selling the damn pc, and just crack on with the job in hand.
n x x x :P ;-)
What have I done today to feel proud?
1/ Got up
2/ turned pc on and watched SH cafe for 4 hrs
3/ had shower
4/ sat in front of SH cafe again and wrote some emails
5/ cooked some supernoodles
6/ posted some more replies on SH Cafe
7/ looked at clock - 6 hours of day lost
Proud? = no
Addicted? = No Comment
I'm not addicted but for some reason I have the shakes today.
Wonder if it has anything to do with leaving tonight for a two week holiday :confused2:
Dawn :silly:
Well its lunchtime and guess where the Glasgowllama is.
Yes I've left the comfort of my office and entered the little internet cafe in Glasgow city centre and where am I posting this to.
Yes I'm here every lunchtime is that addictive or not.
Now where did I put my lunch.
Somewhere between the cafe and the chatroom methinks
I hardly ever log on after work - having an internet connection that isn't monitored means i can get my fix all day! :happy: