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Are you too grown up to have fun?

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I'm not allowed to be too sensible - I am a teacher, after all! biggrin
Oooo just remembered trolley racing in the supermarket cool biggrin
Quote by Jas-Tim
Oooo just remembered trolley racing in the supermarket cool biggrin

Will have to race you Jas......but not in Asda Wallmart's.....them magnetic wheels are crap lol
child yep deff, why else am i building the sheerness light railway in bubbly's garden lol
and she thinks it's for her daughter :mrgreen:
Oh im not silly sparky, ive known from the start its for u lol :lol: :lol:
we often play games in supermarkets - as much to embarrass the kids as to amuse ourselves
blind mans bluff
hide n seek
and we also do ballroom dancing there too - that really makes em red
and the kids!
wot about taking the kids to the park but competing who can swing the highest lol OOh & who can jump off the furthest redface
getting the most apples out of a bucket of water with your mouth wink
i love going up to people and asking them the time and then when they have told me i look at my watch and say "yeah your right" used to drive the fem half of SRNE round the bend with embarassment but she has got used to my stupidity and childish ways now! but hey what fun i have cool

We choose to act childish when we feel like it so our kids get embarssed and tell us off for embarrasing them hehehehehehe.
I have never given people who ask for directions the wrong ones lol
I don't beep and wave at total strangers then collapse behind the wheel when they wave back :twisted:
I have never run away from my children in an attempt to get on a theme park ride before them redface
Snow was made for throwing ;)
I never play pranks on workmates in the name of silliness wink
innocent :whistling:
i never pop head round door of chippie late at night & say 'got any chips left?'
when they say 'yes'
answer 'well serves you right for making too many!!' :grin:
Quote by Srne
i love going up to people and asking them the time and then when they have told me i look at my watch and say "yeah your right" used to drive the fem half of SRNE round the bend with embarassment but she has got used to my stupidity and childish ways now! but hey what fun i have cool

or another one... gone running down the road with a table lamp in your hand and askin a stranger if they want a light!!! ... foolish but funnny!!!! :P
ur nevr to old to av fun, growin up is fr pirates!
i love the snow. i got to a place where there is a big field an a huge slope of grass. i get a massive sheet of visqueen an throw all the kids down the hill. it great!
i take the kids to an adventure play ground too.
off come my shoes an i go runnin round like mad, while the other parentas look in amazemnt(prob jealosy too). my kidz sit down b4 i do.
stay young
kev xxx
Quote by scousekev
ur nevr to old to av fun, growin up is fr pirates!
i love the snow. i got to a place where there is a big field an a huge slope of grass. i get a massive sheet of visqueen an throw all the kids down the hill. it great!
i take the kids to an adventure play ground too.
off come my shoes an i go runnin round like mad, while the other parentas look in amazemnt(prob jealosy too). my kidz sit down b4 i do.
stay young
kev xxx

Please save the text writng for texting!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thankyou confused :? :? wink
grow up
the lot of you lol
Snowball fights - check
Snowman building - check
Still playing in a Band - check
recently accused of still thinking I am 17 - check
Stone skimming - check
do i own a scalextrix set and play with the kids at it - check
Went to first rave aged 29 - check
Despite the best efforts of parents, teachers, employers, and people who don't get it I have so far resisted all attempts to make me "grow up".
Have I got more responsible and a bit wiser and definitely greyer, certainly but there is a part of me in myself that never got much further than 17 - 20 when that part of me dies the rest of me will follow quickly.
Quote by leroy1867
Does stealing/moving road signs and traffic cones then putting them in peoples gardens count as childish/annoying or stupid?

Was it you who put a flashing red light above my door??? It was so high I couldnt reach it, took me months before I found someone with a step ladder to take it down!
Or the Men at Work sign at the entrance to my gate?? I was home ill for a few weeks and hadnt been outside so didnt see it for a while!!
My work mates once......the sods, piled loads of heavy boxes across the front of my door so when I opened it I couldnt see a flipping thing or get out!!! As i live in a upstairs house type flat I had to shout to neighbours from a window to come and get me out....
confused :? :?
My children........the sweeties :? :? , once changed my answer machine message to say *Mum cant get to phone right now cos shes tied up*, again......I didnt realise until my local councillor called, left a message and told me in a meeting when she next saw me!!
My first tattoo at the tender age of 37
Got my first scoot at the tender age of 46
Still enjoy getting completely rat-arsed at bike rallies
Love snowball fights ( which only happens about once every 5 years down here rolleyes )
Still get excited at Xmas ( yes, really :dry: ) and look forward to seeing what my Mum has put in my stocking ( always has to have satsumas and sweets at the bottom wink )
Grow up? As if !
Quote by scousekev
ur nevr to old to av fun, growin up is fr pirates!
i love the snow. i got to a place where there is a big field an a huge slope of grass. i get a massive sheet of visqueen an throw all the kids down the hill. it great!
i take the kids to an adventure play ground too.
off come my shoes an i go runnin round like mad, while the other parentas look in amazemnt(prob jealosy too). my kidz sit down b4 i do.
stay young
kev xxx

Try telling that to the "Pirates" I play with! (well they're as close as you can get to your oooo arrr long john silvery types) Not one of them intends to grow up, and they'd probably keel haul you for daring to suggest it!
Quote by markz
grow up
the lot of you lol

No! :kick:
growing old gracefully eh? hmmm, we haven't got kids..loads of animals, but no won't happen now, as i'm in my mid 40's..why haven't we got kids? well, the honest answer would be, we either forgot, or just never got round to it lol we have kids within the family circle that we can "borrow" should the need arise.. brother often remarks that in some way we've missed out on the oppertunity for a second childhood..he asserts that kids keep you young, as you involve yourself in their childish, innocent antics..and yes, i can take his point..however..he has adult responsibilities.....we fucking don't :twisted:
only last week i was out popping wheelies with the guys down the mountain bike a "hoody" :shock: the boys and myself were getting some extreme, and get times SICK air wink without the barometer of seeing kids grow up, we simply never did :lol: now some would see me hanging with a group of mad teens as sad, and yeah, i'd agree..i just like sad :lol:
i also like pushing shopping trollys down supermarket aisles really fast, whilst hanging over them spreadeagled and making brrmm brmmm noises, but i guess everyone does that :lol: although i did tip one over once whilst trying to wheelie it redface the bumper pack of "whiskers" upset the geometry somewhat confused
oooh, just edited to tell you this us..fucking humiliation surprisedops: :oops: i'm going red just thinking about it...i took mrs dirty, her sister and my mum to a large fenland garden centre allled "baytrees"..its famous for its award winning christmas grotto, but that fact was incidental to our visit..the grotto cost but a what the hell?..once in, the first thing we set eyes upon was an empty, waiting train..small one, not real :lol: assuming, and quite relieved that our excursion was to be done via this mode of transportation, we hopped in..then it went around in a tight circle about eight times whilst playing taped carols and fake train sounds....and people were laughing at us :oops: i've not felt such a c**t in years :oops: if only we'd had a kid to hand :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
then it went around in a tight circle about eight times whilst playing taped carols and fake train sounds....and people were laughing at us redface i've not felt such a c**t in years surprisedops: if only we'd had a kid to hand lol

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by keeno
I love building sand castles and damming streams biggrin . I just love sandy beaches. :D I could play all day on a sandy beach.

There's a little stream near me, I pause with the dog each time we go there, I'm making a ramp out into the stream so I can get across. This means taking a stone or two each time and filling in the gaps with little stones nearby. I'm halfway across, it's only about four feet bank to bank and I've been at it since May!
However since the recent heavy rain it's been too muddy, and I expect I'll have to start all over again. Good!
Quote by dirtydoggers
i also like pushing shopping trollys down supermarket aisles really fast, whilst hanging over them spreadeagled and making brrmm brmmm noises, but i guess everyone does that lol although i did tip one over once whilst trying to wheelie it redface the bumper pack of "whiskers" upset the geometry somewhat confused

Always been a favourite, but have you noticed how most of them have removed the rear lower strut so you have nowhere to stand anymore? Real shame I call it. What's a 60 year old to do in a supermarket now? I mean I pay my quid, why can't I get the ride.
I have absolutely no intention of growing up! evil
I mean, I do HAVE to be responsible and serious sometimes - but only when necessary. I used to manage quite a large team at work (about 30 people) and they all knew that, provided the work got done properly and on time, I expected us all to have fun doing it. After all, we spend most of our waking hours at work, so why should it be miserable? dunno
I do sometimes worry that I am too childish, but Sappho says (quite rightly) that there's a big difference between being childish (sulks, tantrums and being unreasonable etc.) and being childlike (i.e. playful).
I use the kids as an excuse for all the following:
Snow ball fights - definitely
Building snowmen - yep
Playing Pooh sticks :happy:
Swinging on supermarket trolleys redface
Now I need the Forum's help: Will Jr is now 7 weeks old and Sappho says that he is too young to have a Scalextric set for Christmas! :jagsatwork:
I have pointed out:
1. He will grow into it
2. I need to have plenty of practice setting it up and playing with, ahem surprisedops: I mean operating it, so that when he is ready to use it we don't have to start from scratch.
3. You are NEVER too young (or too old) for a Scalextric set.
Can you believe that I have been accused of wanting to play with it myself! :shock: :shock:
As if!
I need you all to support me in my campaign for Will Jr's right to a Scalextric set!
Sorry Will I am with Sappho on this one.... He is far too young to enjoy it so it is obvious you want it for yourself :lol2:
Quote by Shireen
Sorry Will I am with Sappho on this one.... He is far too young to enjoy it so it is obvious you want it for yourself :lol2:
...and I thought you were a friend! sulk
It's a female conspiracy. Even Sappho Jr has deserted me on this one - and she's usually on my side! evil
stomps off for his boiled egg and soldiers!
Awwwwww Sappho, Sappho Jr and Shireen are all being mean evil
You can have a Scalextric set for Christmas but don't expect everyone to keep putting the cars back on the track when you go too fast rolleyes
Quote by Dawnie
Awwwwww Sappho, Sappho Jr and Shireen are all being mean evil
You can have a Scalextric set for Christmas but don't expect everyone to keep putting the cars back on the track when you go too fast rolleyes

Does that mean that you have some experience of being "off the rails"?
Quote by Dlep
Awwwwww Sappho, Sappho Jr and Shireen are all being mean evil
You can have a Scalextric set for Christmas but don't expect everyone to keep putting the cars back on the track when you go too fast rolleyes

Does that mean that you have some experience of being "off the rails"?
No comment :gagged: