Love them or hate them, you just can’t ignore them!!! Click a thread, page changes and there it is at the top of the screen…………..1 New PM!!!

Wahoo!!! Life just doesn’t get better than this, (except when it says 2 new PMs!!)
Oh I get so excited. Who is it from? What will it say? Will it make me laugh? Will it make me angry? I don’t want to open it; I just want to cherish the moment!!!
Someone somewhere was thinking about me. Someone somewhere went to all the trouble of typing a message just for me.
Oh!!!! I could do backward flips around the room. Well actually that was a lie because….. a) There isn’t enough space in the room and…………..b) I would have to be carried off to the local hospital if I even thought about doing a backward flip, but you get the idea.
Anyway, this evening I was Patrolling the Site doing my Security Checks when happened, (but it happened suddenly!!!!). Then, once I’d recovered from that shock, it happened. I glanced at the top of the screen and there it was grinning at me with a thumb in each ear, waving its fingers at me…………..A new PM. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Fantastic!!! I pulled the front of my shirt over my head and ran into the kitchen. I meant to just run around the room but I couldn’t see where I was going!!!! I shouted at the top of my voice “Who put this washing machine in the front room?†as I fell over the door. I pulled the shirt down and sheepishly headed back to my beloved PM which by now had turned round and was mooning at me!!

My imagination went into overdrive. Who sent me this little beauty??? Was it the Sexy, Sultry Sappho? The Amorous Avataring Alex? The Wonderfully Wicked Wilma? The Marvellously Mischievous Misschief? Husky, Horny Heather? Delightfully Dreamy Dawn? The Kutely Kreative Kit?

My heart was pounding so loud I was getting complaints about the noise from people in Birmingham (but I couldn’t understand a word they said, so it didn’t really matter!!). I mopped the sweat from my brow, then rinsed the mop out in the mop bucket and armed with a shaky index finger I made my move towards the mouse.
Gliding the mouse across the desk the arrow on the screen neared the cheeky little PM which was now moon-walking around that top right hand corner. I’m gonna do it. I’m going to press that little mother. I glide the mouse over those lovely letters and then something magical happens. Joy of joys, they turn red, as if with embarrassment, or is it with excitement?
I take a deep breath and finally, without hesitation, I carry out the coolest left-click in NATO and it happens; the name of the Babe that’s PM’d me is revealed for all to see. It’s …………………. It’s…………………………… It’s……………………….. Oh My God!!! Its…no…. it can’t be!!! It’s………Gman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaarrghhhhhhh!!! (Thanks Gman he says trying to hide his disappointment).
So, what was the whole point of this?? Well, it helped me to pass half an hour away in my little made-up world but it also gave me the opportunity to say that I really do like receiving PM’s so if your bored (yes, very bored!!) send me a PM.
It doesn’t have to be about anything in particular (I’ve just taken up a whole thread about nothing in particular!!!) and one day I will get round to replying to you.
There may be some people here that have never experienced the joy of receiving a PM. If that’s you then PM me quoting the reference number N0PM100 and this weeks special offer, a free sample PM from me, will be winging it’s way to you within 14 working days. (No purchase necessary, see special packs for details). Your house may be at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a loan secured against it in order to buy the Super Dooper Deluxe PM