Sorry cant leavre my spider on his own!!
Will send super glue, it's quicker and better than sticky tape.
Now spider has sodded off on me im on my way. Looks like you have missed some vital tools so ill bring , drawpins , lipstick , a mirror and a pair of tights - honestly men
If I come to Warwickshire, it will have to be worth my while, I have been forced into celibacy, so will only come if there is some prospect of sexual intercourse, please post confirmation of my request, before I venture away from my humble abode.
I`ll be on the new Ark :bounce:
Me and my woodworm :mrgreen:
I don't think I'll be able to make it to any ark!!!
I can't come in two's!!!
Damn!!!! I will have to invest in a bleddy good snorkel set!
I've got some araldite and can sew anything so if we need rugs for the animals or curtains for the portholes I'm willing to help.
Mr RSAB2 is quite handy with a powertool! :evil2:
Mrs RSAB2 xxx
ALL ABOARD.... the rains starting to come down heavy
Well I can bring along two cats an icecream maker (no batteries) oh and I have loads of peanuts left from my last house party - hope this helps.................................