Quote by ski69
well y dont u delete urs too
I don't want to, thanks.
Quote by TimandLene
They failed to respond to two 999 calls I made and I think I should have been advised that no one was on their way, the Councellor agrees with this.
Quote by ski69
They failed to respond to two 999 calls I made and I think I should have been advised that no one was on their way, the Councellor agrees with this.
Quote by jaymar
And for the record, I'm not normally one for jumping in on other people arguements but I will stand up for people I believe in and Freckledbird is in my opinion one of the most honest (yes sometimes outspoken but constructively), decent posters on this forum and unless she's bought some shares in the site I would say she doesn't own it
Quote by Freckledbird
And for the record, I'm not normally one for jumping in on other people arguements but I will stand up for people I believe in and Freckledbird is in my opinion one of the most honest (yes sometimes outspoken but constructively), decent posters on this forum and unless she's bought some shares in the site I would say she doesn't own it
PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:57 pm Post subject:
Freckledbird wrote:
jaymar wrote:
And for the record, I'm not normally one for jumping in on other people arguements but I will stand up for people I believe in and Freckledbird is in my opinion one of the most honest (yes sometimes outspoken but constructively), decent posters on this forum and unless she's bought some shares in the site I would say she doesn't own it
FB gulps
icon_ Thank you icon_
here here to that
Quote by naughtynymphos1
about 4 years ago now my husband was attacked by a group of teenagers, we used to live in a block of flats and the kids used to use the hall ways as a hang out point to smoke their dope etc, anyway one night it was about 8pm and in feb so was dark i went out and told them to clear off as i did from time to time only to have one lad aged 17 to have a go at me on this my hubby came out and escorted him out the building, is was shouting and swearing showing off in front of his mates etc as they do but once out the block my husband turned to come back in, the one lad he took out had a unopened bottle of wine in his hand and i saw his coming after my husband and he went for the back of his head with the bottle anyway i shouted as i saw the lad going for him and on this my husband turned round and held up his arm to protect his head and the lad smashed the bottle over his elbo, it didnt seem to bad at the time but my hubby was in shock we called the police and they called a ambulance, at the hospital they took a x ray and revealed that his arm was badly smashed, his elbo had be removed totally and a section of bone about 3 inch long was just shattered, at first they was going to just amputate his arm above the elbo as it was so badly damaged but they later decided to try and save the arm, luckly they did save his arm but is took 3 operations that included a prostetic elbo, a metal plate and pins and a bone graft off his hip to replace the missing bone in his arm, his lost some usage of that arm but guess its better than not having it at all.
Quote by winchwench
Naughty, thats awful
A tip given to me by another S.H'er- CC the bottom of every letter you write to the local MP and anyone else you can think of. It will let the HA know that you're to be taken seriously, and won't go away.
Quote by sleazy
seriously I can empathise with the situation described in this forum totally, we have a yob culture now where it seems to be the norm to accept it, while I don't condone 'vigilantism' something surely has to be done at government level to stem the flow of these attacks on innocent people. Bullying takes many many forms, there doesn't have to be physical violence for people to be seriously upset. lobbying mp's is the way forward in my opinion, and the more people that shout the louder our voices will be heard.