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average cocks

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7 watchers
after reading these ads for a while now, i have come to a sad conclusion that unless you are vwe or very thick you dont stand a chance
what hope is there for us average guys sad
As always, in the final analysis its usually more about the person attached to the dick than the dick itself, else you might as well buy a blow up doll.
Blow up dolls anyone?? biggrin
Well, I know i'm very thick..........
I only ended up on here because I thought it was a site dedicated to the appreciation of golf ; )
Kinky Lizard
To be honest mate, life is all about these things. Women have hang ups too you know. Remember the jibs about the guy going bald, you must have heard em? best to keep plugging, get on with YOUR life, and do not measure yourself upto anyone but yourself. If all you needed in life was a huge tool, then it would be a sad world.
i dont think there are "average2 cocks.. there are just 3 diff types:
1) hhhmmmm,
2) mmmmmm
3) arghhh
Ah but you might not have the same type of tape measure as others come in imperial inches and man`s ego is also another version which shrinks in the wash without losing any of the measurements so 8" is realy only 6".
You could always use the final method which is to measure from your arsehole thus increasing the size,unless of course you are a enuch lol , then youve got on hope.
Dont give up just cos you think your not big enough.
Turn it round in your mind. Imagine the ad reads:
"Shagging me is like throwing a sausage down the mersey tunnel. Who wants to try?"
And then ask yourself "Do I really want to reply to this ad?"
Steve 8)
(now dressed in a flak jacket and a tin hat)
I don't know.....When I posted my add I was honest about the fact that I was a BBW and thought I wouldn't get any replies, when I got over a hundred replies I was very pleasantly surprised....
People don't really get so hung up on looks or size or stuff like least, decent people don't.....
no reason why you shouldnt hun. nothing wrong with being a big girl.... just more of you to satisfy and be satisfied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would appear to me that every male advert on this site (well most) claims to have an apendage of eight inches or above. As the average is meant to be 5.5 inches then we are talking well above the norm.
The other interesting point is that most ads go sometting like " HUGE COCK NEEDS SHHAGG UP 4 IT ?". Not exactly Shakespeare is it ?
SO is there a corelation between Hung like a horse and iq like a flea ?
Averagely intelligent male rolleyes
Thats typical of you Well_Busty_Babe but you missed out :-
1) wow that tastes nice
2) yuk get a wash and use soap next time you minger
Bless you Busty have no idea how much this place has boosted my ego!! :happy:
Quote by the_tongue
Thats typical of you Well_Busty_Babe but you missed out :-
1) wow that tastes nice
2) yuk get a wash and use soap next time you minger

lol, u better not be suggesting that i fall anywhere other than the top one!!!!! :cry:
sorry i forgot about you.. i will have to add a 4th type.... the "oh my god dont stop" type,
does that flatter ur ego enough?? lol
Quote by DreamerHelen
Bless you Busty have no idea how much this place has boosted my ego!! :happy:

<<<<feels blessed indeed!!!!!
You could always use the final method which is to measure from your arsehole thus increasing the size

yeah, good idea. you could also push it up a little. This will serve 2 functions.
1. Give you an extra few inches in length (depending on how daring you are)
2. Give you one hell of a thrill! (especially on the removal)
mmmmmm. Is that was it meant by the bums rush? ; )
by the way DreamerHelen.....did you say you are a BMW? confused:
Kinky Lizard
Quote by Kinky Lizard
2. Give you one hell of a thrill! (especially on the removal)
mmmmmm. Is that was it meant by the bums rush? ; )
Kinky Lizard

so THATS why tape measures have auto return on them!!!!!!
hey! my cock is 75 inches long!!!!
*rushes out to harware store to buy industrial length tape measure*
Kinky Lizard
Quote by steveg_nw
(now dressed in a flak jacket and a tin hat)

Oih !!!! Give me back my hat !!!
I only borrowed it!
Anyway, you were playing with your shiny helmet so I didn't think you needed it.
Further to my earlier theory
8.5 inches Milton keynes
posted in....
Women seeking men........
doh doh doh mad :x :x
If all the girl cares about is the size of you willie, they would be unusual (ok not unheard of)...
Most of the complaints I see in womens mag's (The other half buys them, honest) are about ment being focussed on genitals and not going for any foreplay. There is a lot more than just a willie on a bloke.
A previous swinging female friend of mine (3 wonderful weeks before she flew home) told me that a woman soon ends up being the right size for the man she is with. So although ladies may like the variety of a larger one, I am sure average but 'real' guys who a women likes as a person (from posts or munch meets) will stand every bit as good a chance.
As was once said, it's not what you got, it's what you do with it...
(Obviously talking about other men as I have to tie a knot in mine to let me type properly, only kidding...)
lots of replies that made good reading
cheers you lot
what a sound bunch
paul x
Quote by hubbihomealone
after reading these ads for a while now, i have come to a sad conclusion that unless you are vwe or very thick you dont stand a chance
what hope is there for us average guys sad

Look on the bright side... the time you don't spend bragging and admiring yourself in the mirror can be put to good use developing your technique. biggrin
Ice (average and happy)
Quote by warwick
It would appear to me that every male advert on this site (well most) claims to have an apendage of eight inches or above. As the average is meant to be 5.5 inches then we are talking well above the norm.

Well, I used to say on my advert that my endowment was "on the smaller extreme of average" or something. Then I thought it might sound like I'm hung up over it, so I took it out. To be honest, my 5 inches does everything I need it to (except kill spiders & operate the TV remote control) and I'm happy with it.
Not that I don't get a little fed up sometimes by the sheer number of "women's" adverts that say things like "8 inches or more a MUST!!!"
(It would be remiss of me if at this moment I didn't include this link: )
Quote by warwick
SO is there a corelation between Hung like a horse and iq like a flea ?

My advice for the ladies is: if you insist on a big dick, you'll get a big dick. lol
You makes me larff...
A bloody good wit mate...nice to see another guy who is darn right crackers!
and I thought it was just me who got wound up over this :taz: here have a pint roger743 :cheers:
Every time i read an ad that says they have a big dick I get the distinct impression they haven't.I feel sorry for the ones who have and have the likes of me doubting them.
My feeling is about these sort of lies are they are just something you can't cover up (especially if you are sliding down a drainpipe naked,eh HarryO?) redface
Lets look on the good side-we don't seem to get these types in here because they don't understand the pleasure chatting gives :thrilled:
:thrilled: Im glad I read this post,ss. I have a BIGGER THAN AVERAGE I take it the was erect and not at rest?? dunno I,m off to get the Teee Heee shirt to go with my Rug.
I put an ad up where I didn't specify anything about my cock size. I think it's nothing more than average yet I'm told that it's big. In fact, the first words my ex's auntie said to me (whilst pissed) were "So James, our ******* tells us you've got a big dick".
Just what do you say in response to that at a family gathering?
Let's face it chaps, only those of us who could justifiably be described as malformed can measure up to some of the monstrous contraptions sold by the likes of that nice lady Miss Summers. If some women judge the worth of a man on that basis, then that says more about them than it says about you. To me it says "bucket fanny", in which I have not the slightest interest.
A Newfoundlander enters his favorite ritzy restaurant in Toronto and while sitting at his regular table, he noticed a gorgeous woman sitting at a table nearby....all alone.
He calls the waiter over and asks for their most expensive bottle of Merlot to be sent over to her - knowing that if she accepts it, she is his.
The waiter gets the bottle and quickly sends it over to the girl, saying this is from the gentleman. She looks at the wine and decides to send a note over to the man. The note read: "For me to accept this bottle, you need to have a Mercedes in your garage, a million dollars in the bank, and 7 inches in your pants."
After reading the note, the Newfoundlander sends one of his own back to her and it read: "Just so you know - BMW 850iL, and a Mercedes 560SEL are in my garage; plus I have over 10 million dollars in the bank. But -- not even for a woman as beautiful as you, would I cut off two inches. Just send the bottle back."
