Provided it is within the law, for me, I say, live and let live
*Added in edit*
Not our cup of tea though
I'm in agreement.
I recently put a report in to the Mod team about an ad, in which the male of the couple was advertising for someone to visit, have sex bareback with his wife and go, all purely for her to get pregnant.
Regardless of my views, the answer came back that the official line is no rule/law is being broken, which is correct, but I am still glad that I had said something, I couldn't just leave it.
I am not knocking those that partake in bareback sex, it is my choice to cover up, it is my one unbreakable rule, but I would like to know what I am getting into (ooer!) with anybody.
I also agree with the comment that the site should be seen to promote safe sex, but when bareback is a choice that is not against the rules of the site, or the laws of the land, it is down to our own individual choices when it comes to swinging.
Each to their own yes but we are all members of the site and then we all get tarred with that brush. Ok swinging is not the height of acceptable behavior in a lot of peoples eyes and ads like that will just strengthen the anti swinger public view.
The site can ban bareback ads if it wants, it chooses not too. Dogging can infringe the law but is allowed on the site. Cock and fanny avatars infringe no law but are banned on the site. In basic the site or those who run it make it up as they go along.
Mod hat on: not against the law so therefore hard to manage
Member hat on: it worries me and, is one of the things I look for in a potential meet - ie have they any pics that look like they are indulging in bareback, are tey in any groups which promote bareback, have they ever posted to attend a bareback meet etc. If yes, then it's a no from me!
I have played with people - safely - who I have since found out play bareback and that did bother me. However I have to trust in my own regular check ups at the clinic to monitor my own sexual health. If I were pulling random fellas on a Saturday night then I wouldn't necessarily be aware of their sexual preferences would I?
Part of me wishes we could make it a no-no, but that's the gut reaction rather than the thought-through one. If that makes sense?
In an ideal world, I would love to play bareback but I have too much respect for myself and the people I play with to take that risk. I wont even play with people who I know play bareback and I dont meet people who I know have met others who play bareback (ie I have seen them put their names down for bareback gangbangs, or other bareback meets). I also think that the site should have an option on profiles so you can show if you are into bareback, covered or willing to do either.
As for the site being irresponsible by allowing the adverts, here I do disagree. I dont necesarily think the site is promoting bareback sex just by allowing adverts or chatrooms with this name. We have adverts and chatrooms for S&M, Cuckolds, bi/gay, dogging, fisting, dp, etc but allowing the adverts/chatroom is a long way from promoting the activity. Should we also ban all the ads and chatroom for these activities just because they are not to our taste, or because there is some kind of danger involved?
As both Bloke and Essex say, it is legal and therefore it is up to the persons concerned and I do not feel that the site can or should stop people having this choice. Also there are loads of couples on here who would never meet a single guy in a million years as it is not their thing, so should the site remove all adverts for threesomes? Ok, not quite the same as risking your life, but it is the only way I can think of to get my point over.
It all boils down to personal choice, but I do think a way of identifying people who go bareback would be an excellent move for the site.
I will never play bareback.
If I'm meeting someone I'd want to know if they were in the habit of playing bareback as even condoms are not all that efficient and I want to be able to assess the risks I expose myself to.
Personal view only (not an Op one): I won't ever do bareback or other clearly unsafe sex with other people. I have this stance for two reasons - I don't want to put myself (and therefore my partner) at risk and I don't want to put anyone else at risk on the miniscule offchance that I've picked something up but not noticed symptoms.
My take on others who do perform bareback with casual partners is that they risk their health each and every time - it saddens me as a gay man to have seen the decimation the gay community has gone through in recent years, only for some straight people still to take the view that "it'll never happen to me". It can and it does.
Having said that, I would not impose my views onto what someone else should do. It is their personal choice (irrespective of what I think about it) and everyone needs to make their own choice.
Like NWC I really don't see the link between members advertising their preferences (including bareback) and the site "promoting" them.
Each to their own but we only do bareback with each other. We wont play with anyone who we know plays bareback as condoms are not 100% safe. Obviously there is always a risk as lots of people are never 100% honest!!
If they want to do it then let them, they are doing nothing illegal and nor is the site. They know the risks and the nail is in their coffin!
how many swingers actually use condoms and other barrier methods while giving oral. not many i can imagine,but the risk of sti and std is still there. i always use condoms outside of my relationship with my partner there is no exception to this, that is my choice each to their own i say as well its just not for me
As I have stated before....people are so against going bareback, yet will think nothing of giving the guy a blow job without a condom.
Sperm leaks from a guy and there is still a risk involved with any bodily fluids.
Some guys can leak a lot during that ok?
I am all for live and let live and if people want to go bareback that is their choice to make, I am simply making an observation that giving a guy a blow job who leaks, still carrys a risk even though it may be smaller than bareback intercourse.
what I don't understand is that if people are very concerned about health and safety, why are they persisting in a scene which they consider to be a high risk?
what with all the totting up who's done bareback or who's been seen in a photo and other untold permutations, isn't it all just a bit anorak? I mean where's the peace of mind in all this?
surely if its all such a concern wouldn't it be better to simply give up?
You see I don't think anyone would have sex by condom with someone who they knew to be infected. But they are willing to have sex by condom with someone they believe to be not infected. they would believe what they are told by the infected person and immediately exclude them. but more willing to take a chance on someone who they think isn't infected. so they doubt they really are infected and accept this as good enough reason to proceed. Is this sound reasoning? Probably not.
So it seems to me that if a set of circumstances exists there is either the option to not have sex or have it. By and large the decision, choice or whatever is without reasoning. little or no thought is involved in the process.
I love bearback sex.........
....unfortunately the bear gets pissed off with washing jizz out if its fur :mrgreen:
Live n let live of course.
My experience of many swingers made me think that every body talks condoms but few are condom fans and their use is hardly universal.
Do a gallery search for single females penetration shots on here. Count how many pages you have to go through before you find a condom in the shot.
Hardly proof positive but indicative of the activity of the less vocal community members.
I believe a lot of swingers regard condoms as optional as they do regular sexual health checks.
no condom = no shag with Lost - easy as that ipso facto easy peasy not hard to understand and any pictures of cock on our profile condomless penetrating my best friend, my lover, love of my life, my wife mother of my children, the woman who takes my breathaway with every smile she puts my way, is mine. I want her in as good health as I can, for as long as I can and with me counting the blessed years we're together.
fucking stupid idea barebacking
I reckon there are alot of people on this site who say "i'll never do bareback", and yet, if the oppertunity came up, they would........
interesting that know one who does engage in bareback sex has replied?
lets be honest ,we all take a measured ourselves individually can decide on the level,the scale starts at celibacy (the only 100% risk free option)and perhaps ends at bareback gang bangs(very high risk).most of us would only have full sex using a rubber,yet we know rubbers can break(we chose to take that risk).a lot of us chose to have unprotected oral sex (some risk involved)which increases the more times we do it,even open mouthed kissing carries some risk!.how could anyone decide which is the safest option,a person who has gone bareback once in six a person who has had unprotected oral sex ten times in a day?.the tv advert hit the nail on the head,just because someone looks clean and seems dosent always follow they are,we all decide on our own level of not try to decide whats right for someone tells us they have only shagged twice in two years,and always with would be content to play with them if we liked them,if the same person admitted to partaking in regular bareback gang of us would run a not kid ourselves........its always going to be a bit of a lottery.