When I first started watching it (first series) I was very much into socioligy/pyschology and had studied communities for a number of years. I found it fascinating. Amazing how people change, react, cope in certain situations. They were other reality programmes that were social research as well, like Castaway Island (off the scottish coast). I loved them all.
I did catch another last year that I cant remember the name of. This programme did a remake of the famous experiement where participants were put in a situation where they had to give another an electric shock. The group were awoken up in the early hours, taken from their homes blindfolded to a large warehouse where the experiements took place. It was very realistic and the reactions of the group of participants were analysed by pyschologists afterwards, was quite interesting. The group also attended a series of debriefing sessions.
As the years have gone by I believe that BB especially hasnt changed that much, the participants know what to expect to an extent. Plus its become more about stardom than a social experiement. Shame as the concept was interesting.
So, I doubt I shall watch it bar the odd ten minutes!
It might work, if the people they had on were picked from the 'normal' range of the population. But from what I've seen (albeit very briefly) of the selections on BB, they pick extremes with the sole purpose of triggering conflict and behaviour they (Ch 4 etc) can wring their hands over very publicly.
By 'normal', I'm not offering any personal definition, but we can all recognise extremes.
It might work, if the people they had on were picked from the 'normal' range of the population. But from what I've seen (albeit very briefly) of the selections on BB, they pick extremes with the sole purpose of triggering conflict and behaviour they (Ch 4 etc) can wring their hands over very publicly.
By 'normal', I'm not offering any personal definition, but we can all recognise extremes.
I really really dont like it
but I watch it
thank goodness euro 2008 begins on saturday...i hate BB and all it presentators
I forgot!
andam watching the intro's on C4+1
bile spills forth.
don't tell anyone I'm watching please.
yeah but, you like it, right?
not a word.... me niether
couldnt even manage to watch 10minutes of the launch,its so bloody crap...
oh..its back..and I'm hooked already.....I think blind guy, and the thai lady are the obvious ones to be in top three....with maybe the dancer guy.
Roll on the next 13 weeks..loveing it already.
OMG that girl from coventry is sooo anoying she be sent back soon be one of the first ones out I think lol
Anyway I think dale is sooooo sexy Mmmm I so would lol and I will watch it over next few days see how it goes. Tho im not to hooked on it tho so maybe going off bb myself :shock:
Marie xxx