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BBW - to be or not to be, that is the question !

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Hi Guys!
This is the first discussion I've started, so please be gentle with me !
I was wondering what size you have to be to be considered a BBW ? I understand this will be a matter of opinion, but it would be nice to gauge an average opinion for the purposes of correct advertising and to satisfy my curiousity!
Note, this is not a discussion about sexyness v size, I don't need to open a debate to tell me how sexy I am !!
Quote by Velvet Lips
Hi Guys!
This is the first discussion I've started, so please be gentle with me !
I was wondering what size you have to be to be considered a BBW ? I understand this will be a matter of opinion, but it would be nice to gauge an average opinion for the purposes of correct advertising and to satisfy my curiousity!
Note, this is not a discussion about sexyness v size, I don't need to open a debate to tell me how sexy I am !!

Big enough for you to consider yourself to be big I would have thought??
Also are all big women beuatiful because they are big?
good topic suppose people will take to this or not !!!!!
Tough one to i think any thing above a size 18 ?????..........
i knew a girl who was size 16 but she was 6'1" and looked good !!!!
Does hieght change the answer !!!!!
or even am i rambling lol
anyone else ???????
ste redface
The possibility of causing offence on this thread is immense!!! No comment!
Quote by 3someinpreston
The possibility of causing offence on this thread is immense!!! No comment!

DUDE !!! thats not nice !! :twisted:
Quote by WhyTheHellNot!!!!!!
The possibility of causing offence on this thread is immense!!! No comment!

DUDE !!! thats not nice !! :twisted:
It's true though, lots and lots of women may be offended by remarks made.
okay.... well if you look at the latest statistics for the average uk woman... she is 5ft 6 tall and a size 16...she is apparently has a 36c bust as well..but i have not felt enough handfuls to judge so i know enough people who consider themselves to be a BBW when they are in fact either ... or just above ms average...
very much about how people persieve themselves.....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
I've heard of a BBW Club not letting anyone in under a size 16, so perhaps that is a suitable answer? smile
Offence ??
That really surprises me, the women on here seem so confident, no matter what size they are confused
Quote by fabio grooverider
okay.... well if you look at the latest statistics for the average uk woman... she is 5ft 6 tall and a size 16...she is apparently has a 36c bust as well..but i have not felt enough handfuls to judge so i know enough people who consider themselves to be a BBW when they are in fact either ... or just above ms average...
very much about how people persieve themselves.....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx

Yer not wrong Sean.......
Cathy x
(Still taking the size 16 in with her even tho she knows it'll be the 18 biggrin )
Quote by Velvet Lips
I was wondering what size you have to be to be considered a BBW ?
I'm not so shallow as to consider any size definitively beautiful, and you don't automatically become beautiful just because you are big. Frankly, "BBW" is no more than a euphemism, its literal meaning being presumptuous in the extreme.
We didn't mean to cause offence by what we said - we just meant that giving a broad guideline for what is "big" could potentially upset people who are less confident about themselves - approximately 80% of the country!
So sorry if we caused offence - it was not meant, it was just an observation.
T & L xxx
Well a few of my close mates ( and occasional fuck buddies lol ) are bigger than average and it makes no difference as to whether they are more or less sexy than a thin lady. I prefer personallity above looks anyway and most of a womans sexuality is in the brain.
Thats how I feel but must admit that I prefer ladies with a good shape too skinny and i'm scared that i'd break them being 6ft2 and 19 st lol.
Davie :shock:
Quote by Ice Pie
I was wondering what size you have to be to be considered a BBW ?
I'm not so shallow as to consider any size definitively beautiful, and you don't automatically become beautiful just because you are big. Frankly, "BBW" is no more than a euphemism, its literal meaning being presumptuous in the extreme.
"BBW" is more than a euphemism, like it or not, it is a general description and a category is used on this site.
It's still used incorrectly - big does not necessarily mean beautiful.
Quote by Velvet Lips
"BBW" is more than a euphemism, like it or not, it is a general description and a category is used on this site.

It is not a "general" description... it is usually an inaccurate one. Whether you like it or not, claiming that you are beautiful just because you are big does not make it so, and on every level that counts, people who think they're beautiful usually aren't.
As for it being a category on this site, I challenge you to show me where this site categorizes people on any grounds, other than gender for the purposes of placing adverts.
If someone claimed to be beautiful purely on the grounds that they were slim, how indignant would you be?
lets be honest, women who describe themselves "BBW" just mean they are happy and cofindent with their size. There is also an element of honesty to this as well, its not about an assumption they (or I !) or automaticatly beautifull
Quote by freckledbird
It's still used incorrectly - big does not necessarily mean beautiful.

Now why couldn't I have been as concise as that? :thumbup:
Quote by Velvet Lips
lets be honest, women who describe themselves "BBW" just mean they are happy and cofindent with their size. There is also an element of honesty to this as well, its not about an assumption they (or I !) or automaticatly beautifull

I disagree. People who are confident with their size don't feel the need to draw attention to it.
I have known 'big' women and I have known 'thin' women but the thing that does it for me is proportion - if a person is proportionate then I tend to look past whether they have just a large belly or big legs/ass etc... If there is a good strong personaility present too it is then that I find a woman sexy.
Given a choice, I would probably opt for a woman who is a size 10-12 ..... less than that I find them too skinny, more than that, too large.... but that is my preference and I am entitled to it.
I find it such a shame that women who are large have to use an euphemism - BBW - in order to feel comfortable with their shape.... maybe a reason for this is because the media are always telling us that obesity is a bad thing and newspapers are full of one diet or another on any given day.... But then I don't like being pigeon-holed myself, the only stereotype of me........... is me!
See your point Ice....
Generally very confident with my size and all that comes with it, but I WOULD draw attention to it very pointedly on occasion if I felt it might be a problem for the other party. I don't really use the term myself but can see it's used generally as a description.
Maybe the second B could stand for 'busty.' (Thought it did tbh.)
Cathy x
Here's what I don't understand about all this labelling thing: Do beautiful people assume I won't know they're beautiful unless they tell me? Do they think telling me will influence my opinion? I just don't see the point of anyone indulging in self-praise unless it's to bully people into their preferred way of thinking.
I thought it mean big buxom woman! Oh well, wrong again!!! lol
I am a big girl and since joining this site, have become much more confident about my size. I would always draw peoples attention to it if we were arranging a meet, because not everyone likes larger ladies and I think it is very important to be honest. Why waste someones time telling them you are a size 10, they will soon find out when they meet you.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
I would always draw peoples attention to it if we were arranging a meet, because not everyone likes larger ladies and I think it is very important to be honest. Why waste someones time telling them you are a size 10, they will soon find out when they meet you.

That's just giving people information though, and it's obviously a sensible thing to do. But you wouldn't try to second guess anyone's preference by using it as a selling point would you?
Quote by Wishmaster

Given a choice, I would probably opt for a woman who is a size 10-12 ..... less than that I find them too skinny, more than that, too large.... but that is my preference and I am entitled to it.!

A slim woman/man is a better word than skinny confused
This is very interesting !!! A loose abbrevation which is used by women to describe themselves as larger than average and proud of it, has provoked a real reaction to the fact that they consider themselves beautifull!! My personal opinion is that everyone should consider themselves attractive for whatevers reasons they seem fit.
Its also interesting that there is no male equivalent to the term "BBW" . Maybe you all have bodies, perfectly acceptable to all !!! lol
Quote by Ice Pie
I would always draw peoples attention to it if we were arranging a meet, because not everyone likes larger ladies and I think it is very important to be honest. Why waste someones time telling them you are a size 10, they will soon find out when they meet you.

That's just giving people information though, and it's obviously a sensible thing to do. But you wouldn't try to second guess anyone's preference by using it as a selling point would you?
Oh go no, I would NEVER use my size a selling point, for some it may off putting, but would always make sure the person concerned was fully aware of what they were letting themselves in for :twisted:
Well I like to to use the word cuddly rather than BBW to describe myselfe. I don't know how u would define a BBW by size as the height of a person certainly comes into consideration .....I'm 5 ft 10 and like to think I carry the extra weight ok smile
But when it comes down to it it is different strokes for different folks ...long as you are honest about wot you look like i can't see a problem.
And sexiness is from within ........i know cuddly women and men who are sexy and thin women and men who are not my eyes ...depends on the person not their size.
Wotever floats ya boat biggrin
What was a BBW's favourite musical instrument at school?
Quote by Velvet Lips

Its also interesting that there is no male equivalent to the term "BBW" . Maybe you all have bodies, perfectly acceptable to all !!! lol

nope I'm just happy with calling myself fat.