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Becoming Disillusioned

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I hope that I have been a model member and followed all the advice and rules to try an get started.
I have tried dozens of responses to ads ensuring that I meet all the requirements and requests. After all people want it to do what it says on the tin!! Alas Im not having much luck sad
Please someone reasssure me to perservere and it'll work out in the end. Surely us rule abiders stand some sort of chance?
Who knows some of you kind ladies or couples might take pity and get me started.....
Bless your heart Vidal69. You keep plugging away and I'm sure something will turn up.
As for taking pity on you well....... wink
Ouch...sorry that was Fred slapping me and telling me to behave.
Hope it has a fairytale ending for you Vidal.
x x xx
Someday my prince will come.........
Ditto what Wilma said...
A small tip. There's nothing in your profile to tell us anything about you. Try amending your forum details to list thing about you and what you're looking for.
I also see that although you're registered with the ads system, you don't have an ad yourself.
If you want to write an ad, why not post a draft here and I'm sure us girls will offer suggestions to improve it for you.
Take Care
From a single guy's perspective (and I don't know, Vidal, if you're a boy or a girl or something else entirely), at the end of the day I think you have to stop expecting something to happen. I'm kinda at that stage now; thirteen months in and all I've seen is words on a screen. Words have to become enough for you.
And who knows, while you're reading and writing those words, you may get lucky. I think it's kinda like buying a lottery ticket; the first few times, you're thinking of what'll happen if you win; the riches, the big house, the fast cars and faster women... But soon enough, you'll stop believing you'll win. But you continue buying the tickets, because you've come to enjoy the sight of those coloured balls emerging from that glorified washing machine.
And maybe next week, you'll win a tenner. smile
Echo Rogers thoughts Vidal,
There are many genuine blokes on here, and it is almost certain that there are more genuine blokes than there are genuine couples and women.
It stands to reason that not everyone is going to be succesful, even if they do everything right.
There are no gaurantees, and it is best to have no expecations.
As much as I love this cafe, I love meeting people in real life and a munch is the best way to start so why havent you been to one?????? Many people in here are shy so never forget that. Just like real life. What I look for in people will be different to what next woman and couples looking for but most, I think, like men who make an effort. I go in the chat room and most of the time I am petrified by the chats and pvts as not really my bag so I sit in there quietly. I have met men and women for great no sex chats. Recently had great night out in London with Berniefem where we got really drunk and I love girls nites out! So keep going but dont expect every female is on here begging for a shag - easier places to get one than in SH. If you want to make friends though bloody great place. Enjoy and dont give upxxx
:karaoke: :karaoke: :karaoke: :karaoke: :karaoke: :karaoke: :karaoke: :karaoke: I know the words to this one? I think the site gets some unfair critisicm from us all and more from the press or is it the Media nowadays? I have been into this scene for a long time now and even in this liberated complex society of ours we still have idiots that like to take the piss! if u come onto this FREE site andexpect miracles you are bound to be has seen big changes to security since I first discovered it,but a lot of people visit like us and some are just out to have a giggle. I will not send a picture of myself to an email address, Partly because i do not no how but also because i am careful who i meet and etc etc. It is good to read about the pitfalls people come across and realise it is not just ourselves it happens to. I remember years ago a sex shop in Glasgow was in trouble with the local paper taking pics of people going in,a guy up the road started selling people are not into this scene and are still liable to condem us for our takes time to grasp responses to ads etc but I can now tell from the texts i get wether people are male/female/ac/dc etc and some of the one liners are from kids who cant even comprehend what this site is about? The best thing is to be safe and patient and sound off if you become frustrated?At least you can on this site!! Victorxxx!
Some fine and typically helpful and sensible offers of advise from the sage elders of the site .
Cant help but notice no response since the first 'whingy' post from yer man (including totally ignoring Heathers advise about profiles) . I have a feeling all your well meaning missives will fall on deaf ears unless they include the words " and why not come down for a free no strings fuck" .
Or maybe im a little cynical. 8)
Thanks to all that have given advice. When I get chance I'll probably follow up some of it. Sorry Silk and Big G if my response wasn't quick enough but some of us have day lives as well which sometimes have to take priority!!!
It would have taken the same amount of time to amend your profile as it did to post that last message. you can't really use that as an excuse. You may need to understand that all the posts to you have taken up other peoples time, which is just as precious to them as yours is to you. if you can't make the effort, then you will find no-one will do it for you.
What's been said so far makes sense, and what I'm about to say might seem negative compared to some of the advice you've been given so far, but I want you to think about this:
You said that maybe some kind lady or couple might take pity on you and get you started? We're swingers, we don't swing with people just because we feel sorry for them (well, a few might, but I'm sure they would be in the minority confused . We swing with someone cos we think that they might be able to show us a good time and vice versa, not cos we're pitying of them or want to do them a favour! Your post sounded very negative cos of that, and if I were looking for someone to swing with right this minute, it really wouldn't be you. In the absence of anything to the contrary (here's where giving more info about yourself comes in!) sorry, but you just sound like a whinger who's after a free shag.
Sorry wink redface
I have to say that I agree with Blue, and this is coming from a couple that do meet single guys (cause thats what I think Vidal's gender is). There has to be something that sparks an interest for me to even bother to want to get to know someone with a view to a meet..... And up to now all I have seen are 2 posts, one whinging that you cant get a meet and another one making a sarcastic comment about having a life..... IMHO, you have used this thread to try to get a "sympathy" shag (as Blue pointed out) and I echo Blue's comments about people just dont do sympathy shags....
In just 2 posts on this thread, you have managed to give the impression that you cant be bothered making the effort to do an informative ad and just want to skip to the shagging...... Aahhhh how much you have to learn.....
Swinging is not a way to get an easy lay, and this is something that myself and all the other op's in the chat room point out on a regular basis...... If thats what you are looking for them I'm afraid you have come to the wrong place....
Well Im sorry to all those who I seem, quite accidently to have offended. I started with what I thought was a sensible post with a genuine problem.
At no time am I expecting 'free shag' as someone put it. I am keen to get to meet and know people first for their friendship and experience in this environment. I will update my profile when I get the chance and hope it meets with approval. After all I have not set out to antagonise anyone.
Not offended Vidal , just jaded :-)
Good luck hope you find something that makes both you and those you meet happy.
Now all that`s out the way........
Welcome! lol
Quote by vidal69
Well Im sorry to all those who I seem, quite accidently to have offended. I started with what I thought was a sensible post with a genuine problem.

I don't think people are offended, it's just that this is a seduction game and what you said wasn't very seductive. It's like going into a nightclub, going up to a bunch of girls who're eyeing you up, and breaking wind loudly and with gay abandon; it can adversely affect your opportunities.
I for one wish you nothing but the second-best luck in the world. (The best I reserve for me. ;) )