I have never been to a munch before,but i am glad the rules is as it is.
Its nice to have purely social events for people who may be just finding their feet,such as myself.
'get a room'
if you wanna get it on!
Missy....i think alcohol could also be a factor in it.
I have been to two munches and seen sexual behaviour at them both…
Kissing and touching (these were defined by some in another thread as sexual behaviour) through to oral sex… This is no more than a non-swinging night club.
I personally felt more offended by the blatant verbal propositioning that was done to me by some “well respected” members of “the community” before, during and after the munch.
That isn’t to say that I want to see people having sex, of any description, when I am expecting a munch to be non-sexual. But I think that the only way to “police” it is to ban the people from future munches.
I think that a lot of people on the site run around pointing the finger at others’ behaviour without looking closely at what they, themselves are doing that might be construed as offensive.
Ive yet to be invited to a munch, so know little or nothing re the rules/ acceptable behaviour so cant realy comment but I guess it makes sense now ive read the posts here.
There is a time and a place for everything.
Munches for chatting, somewhere else for shagging.
But can anyone tell me why is it called a MUNCH?.........nothing to do with rug munching?
I must be blind or summat cos ive only seen sexual behaviour going on at one munch and that was over a year ago.
Im usually having such a laugh i just dont notice these things, dont think i would be offended if i did see, maybe just mildly irritated..
Suze xx
very intresting very intresting..................
I have tried to write this 3 times and everytime i have scrapped what i have written.
1) I feel that munchs should not have no overtley sexual behavior, Like knobs being pulled out and tits on show. I have the issue with showing my bum, i tend do show it often, now technically that would be against munch rules, but then again if some1 was to aproach me and say cut it out. Fine.
2) I think the main problem that i have witnessed at a munch was a sex show which i did find a little on the norty side, I personally wasnt offended but there you go.
3) Like easy said i was snoging and groping a number of people recently at munchs, technically that would be sexual behavior now, i am sure no one would come up to me and say pls dont snog her/him.
4) I think the rules are there for a reason, ill agree i mayby have brushed those rules from time to time, but at the end of the day, I think those rules are to stop ORAL SEX and FULL SEX being done in full view.
5) Being Propostioned...this is intresting, if some1 propostioned me i would actually feel happy that someone liked me enough to ask. I wouldnt have a problem with it
mmm interesting thread, I think Dammy did a similar one about munch rules a little while ago, but always worth re looking at the situation.
Munch rules, yes IMO, some of them need to be looked at again, like the one about inviting members. If you have a valid reason that can be explained and if necessary proved why another member shouldn't be allowed to go. If you feel uncomfortable for yourself and others about that person going, then you should be supported in that decision. (I'm not on about the "I don't like that person, that person cheated on my friend etc etc)
As for the sexual side of munches. I think the rules cover it without being oppressive.
To sum up, if its not acceptable in your local nightclub and will get you kicked out then its not acceptable at a munch.
I've seen ladies with their boobs out, a teasing lick by someone else, I've seen cocks out. None have ever got the person kicked out.
But someone having sex or oral sex anywhere on the premises would do.
Why, Dark?
The people surrounding this incident were having a great time, laughing, encouraging - I did not know who, or where the organisers were - what if I'd said to someone "hey, there's something going on here" and the person had been their friends and been agressive with me?
Ive been to 2 munches now, both times all the people have been lovely - but I'm not confrontational at all, and would not risk speaking for fear of speaking to someone who was.