Oh, to the lovely lady who sent me the 'alert!' pm.
If I ever do get in close proximity with that lovely bottom of yours, I promise I will be extra good to it - and the rest of you!
You wouldnt look more like a hi-jacker if you grew a beard wore a teatowel and changed your name to Osama ! Go on then e-mail it and we'll post it for you.
Well its Ok we guess , but much like The Last Batman movie the hype kinda led to dissapointment at the premier :-)
erm not to sure how i should take that lol
so come on the rest of you let me know what you think
Can only be better in the flesh.
oh i say is that an offer to try it lol
<<<<<<<<<<What about Mrs Cov's bum!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Cov!
squiggles mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
now thats a mighty fine booty hun
could just bite that right now and why we on it i bet the front aint to bad either