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Best star signs to have sex with

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Came across this whilst surfing

I'm a Pisces and apparently I'm lazy and don't like much of a chase . So you will have to be aggressive to seduce me .
So what's your sign and do you fit the bill . Who do you pair well with ? What sign would you like to be?
I always poo poo'd the idea that a star sign was relevant in anyone's makeup; however, life experiences have supported that which is written about star signs and about compatability with other signs. It seems that certain star signs are particularly attracted to this "Leo", well it couldn't be the good looks or the bank balance! And whenever I've hooked up with another Leo (not the best recommended sign) the bedroom has sizzled. I can often identify a female "Leo" just by her appearance and everyday behaviour.
Both Mrs t and I are Leo's
Quote: For most people, this is which zodiac sign which is the best lover. They constantly burn with a fiery passion and are sexually confident and powerful. They take charge in bed and explore sexual pleasures with dramatic, large-scale flair.
They constantly shower their lovers with gifts and attention. Seducing a Leo is fairly simple; they need continuous personal attention. To get on their soft side, try playing with their luxurious hair.
However I don't agree with all that star sign mumbo jumbo, so I'll have to play with my own luxurious hair :silly:
ooohhhhhhh Aus....I'm Pisces too.
I'm suited to Scorpio........ most sexual of all the signs innocent
I don't discriminate when it comes to star-signs. If you look deep enough, who knows what you might find humpblast
The Aquarian x
Quote by dee_licious
You are deffo an Aquarian wink

Oh? Come on.. enlighten me. I know sod all about star-signs lol
Quote by dee_licious
ooohhhhhhh Aus....I'm Pisces too.
I'm suited to Scorpio........ most sexual of all the signs innocent

ooohhhhhhh Dee...I'm also Pisces!!
As for which star sign I'd like to pair with..............I can't afford to be fussy!!
Quote by gustavv
ooohhhhhhh Aus....I'm Pisces too.
I'm suited to Scorpio........ most sexual of all the signs innocent

ooohhhhhhh Dee...I'm also Pisces!!
As for which star sign I'd like to pair with..............I can't afford to be fussy!!
This is all no good 3. Lazy buggiers whose gonna do the chasing - must be you dee
a very good friend of mine is an astrologer - i'm a Libra - air sign - which means I'm best off with the other air signs - but sexually i tend to go for Aries, Gemini and strangely Aquarius innocent
Married to a Scorpio for 14 years has kinda put me of the sexy scorpion sign, call me shallow but I do tend to ask someones star sign quite early on if theres a sexual liaison in the offing.
Quote by Katniss
a very good friend of mine is an astrologer - i'm a Libra - air sign - which means I'm best off with the other air signs - but sexually i tend to go for Aries, Gemini and strangely Aquarius innocent
Married to a Scorpio for 14 years has kinda put me of the sexy scorpion sign, call me shallow but I do tend to ask someones star sign quite early on if theres a sexual liaison in the offing.

quite right , just don't forget to ask them there name lol
From the Scorpio Mr H .
Quote by herts_darlings1
a very good friend of mine is an astrologer - i'm a Libra - air sign - which means I'm best off with the other air signs - but sexually i tend to go for Aries, Gemini and strangely Aquarius innocent
Married to a Scorpio for 14 years has kinda put me of the sexy scorpion sign, call me shallow but I do tend to ask someones star sign quite early on if theres a sexual liaison in the offing.

quite right , just don't forget to ask them there name lol
From the Scorpio Mr H .
Id make an exception for you coz you got Mrs H to do the marriage bit :lol:
and you did say youd wash ya bits in brown ale for me, always a great chat up line that is lol
Quote by Katniss
a very good friend of mine is an astrologer - i'm a Libra - air sign - which means I'm best off with the other air signs - but sexually i tend to go for Aries, Gemini and strangely Aquarius innocent
Married to a Scorpio for 14 years has kinda put me of the sexy scorpion sign, call me shallow but I do tend to ask someones star sign quite early on if theres a sexual liaison in the offing.

quite right , just don't forget to ask them there name lol
From the Scorpio Mr H .
Id make an exception for you coz you got Mrs H to do the marriage bit :lol:
and you did say youd wash ya bits in brown ale for me, always a great chat up line that is lol
I know I did ! I am just a sucker for a girl who knows her Suzanne Collins from her Jackie Collins . Her Everdean from her evergreens .
Quote by aus2
ooohhhhhhh Aus....I'm Pisces too.
I'm suited to Scorpio........ most sexual of all the signs innocent

ooohhhhhhh Dee...I'm also Pisces!!
As for which star sign I'd like to pair with..............I can't afford to be fussy!!
This is all no good 3. Lazy buggiers whose gonna do the chasing - must be you dee
Age before beauty.......laughs xx
Quote by the_magik_s
You are deffo an Aquarian wink

Oh? Come on.. enlighten me. I know sod all about star-signs lol
This sign loves you for your body and doesn’t really care if a relationship exists before they have sex with you. They are all about wild physical passion and unpredictable romance. Their rebellious nature means that the more quirks you have, the better they’ll love a warm body and a fiery passion, this zodiac sign is the best lover. To seduce Aquarius, play hard to get.
Need I say more ? :wink:
Quote by dee_licious
You are deffo an Aquarian wink

Oh? Come on.. enlighten me. I know sod all about star-signs lol
This sign loves you for your body and doesn’t really care if a relationship exists before they have sex with you. They are all about wild physical passion and unpredictable romance. Their rebellious nature means that the more quirks you have, the better they’ll love a warm body and a fiery passion, this zodiac sign is the best lover. To seduce Aquarius, play hard to get.
Need I say more ? :wink:

Hmmmm Interesting ;-)
Cards on table, I do not believe balls of burning gas so far away we measure them in light years rather than miles can have any influence on our personality. No way, no how! Am I right in thinking that all the constellations are in the northern hemisphere? Does this mean that people who live in the southern hemisphere have different star signs?
However, I do believe that the time of year does! A baby born in July will have a totally different experience in it's first few months than one born in November. I was born in November, I like to snuggle and be very tactile in the sack. Lady H was born in January and she is very much the same. Not scientific in any way, but then again neither is astrology.
With this in mind we may have to start a scientific study testing out the sexual compatibility of peeps born in every month month of the year and every star sign from both the northern and southern hemispheres.
Interested parties can pick up an application form from the post office or contact Lady H insuring you use the code words "Sex and the stars" Your application will be studied carefully before being deleted and I get a painful slap. lol
FFS , what has he put now !
Herts her (Capricorn)
Quote by herts_darlings1
Am I right in thinking that all the constellations are in the northern hemisphere? Does this mean that people who live in the southern hemisphere have different star signs?

The southern hemisphere misses out on a few of the northern constellations, and has a few all to itself, but there are many that we all share. In particular, the zodiacal constellations are all on the ecliptic (the line the sun follows through the sky), and are visible from everywhere on earth. So no new star signs for the antipodeans.
Quote by herts_darlings1
Gemini would be nice!
We could have a twin each.

Being Gemini I think its fairly spot on. I can be fairly changeable, 2 sided
Lex wink
Quote by Dan_Lexa
Gemini would be nice!
We could have a twin each.

Being Gemini I think its fairly spot on. I can be fairly changeable, 2 sided
Lex wink
Hi Dan and Lexa and welcome to the forums :welcome:
Quote by Dan_Lexa
Gemini would be nice!
We could have a twin each.

Being Gemini I think its fairly spot on. I can be fairly changeable, 2 sided
Lex wink
ooohhhhhhhhh lex :wink:
Quote by dee_licious
Gemini would be nice!
We could have a twin each.

Being Gemini I think its fairly spot on. I can be fairly changeable, 2 sided
Lex wink
ooohhhhhhhhh lex :wink:
Always one for opening up the options.
And thanks herts, thought it was about time i did. But anyone who knows me, knows i like to start slow and easy, so this seemed a good thread lol
Quote by Dan_Lexa
Gemini would be nice!
We could have a twin each.

Being Gemini I think its fairly spot on. I can be fairly changeable, 2 sided
Lex wink
ooohhhhhhhhh lex :wink:
Always one for opening up the options.
And thanks herts, thought it was about time i did. But anyone who knows me, knows i like to start slow and easy, so this seemed a good thread lol
I so love options x
Scorpio and leo men are unbelievably filthy, kinky and disgustingly horny.. Can definitely recommend both ;)
as im a scorpio, i would have to say we are the most passionate but the leo ladies i have meet are very loving
Quote by Dan_Lexa
Gemini would be nice!
We could have a twin each.

Being Gemini I think its fairly spot on. I can be fairly changeable, 2 sided
Lex wink
Ooooooh Lexa - i had a feeling you were a Gemini kiss 69position
load of Hogwash the lot of it, you can read pretty much any trait you like and have it applied to you via the 'stars' just depends on whose doing the Horoscope.
ohhhhhhhhhhhh Toots... spoilsport lol