come on then who thinks grace is a bitch
nikki is well fit :P
Quote by davina
"this is Big Brother . . . please do not swear . . . "
Quote by pete
Quote by hunni3
Does that girl not know how she is coming across! She is a first class bitch. Grace Out! :censored:
Quote by neilinleeds
grace is evil incarnate! a thoroughly nasty piece of work who seems to think a pretty face and palling with the popular types will save her! hell no, she's got to go!
pete is ACE! his best bit . . .
"this is Big Brother . . . please do not swear . . . "
Quote by pete
Quote by poshkate
although i've not really been watching it.........the bits i have seen of nikki whinging in the diary room have had me crying with the point where the other day i told a certain member......'i want one of those'..........just for the comedy of it..........she is pure value for money!
Quote by redpantherman
I'm off to get some munchies n beer...
roll on the interview.... :shock: but wait... methinks BB dastardly doings may be afoot!![]()
Why was her name announced so quickly - why did BB let the housemates hear the chanting to get her out last week?
Please step fwd with your conspiracy theories
Quote by Missy
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
The revolting egotistical bint has left the building :bounce:
And still she doesn't take anything on board! :shock: "Everyone gets booed" she said
Didn't Davina do wellGo that woman Cracking inverview, gave her what she deserved!