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Big girls and sex appeal...

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I would not like to offend anyone in my comments corrie. It is just that big women AND men get so much stick in the real world. I know it is a common thing to assume because someone is big they constantly eat and do nothing about the home or work. It is all to do with media hype. If anyone has been ofended then I am sorry up front. I just feel that assumptions rule the world these days and I am sure most folk on here know where the words come from and not really digging at anyone personally...
Too true corrie and maybe we learn as we go. It is maybe one of those subjects that gets deep at times and we loose the thread so to speak. We all have issues within and that is life...again like many we try to answer and sometimes do offend without realising...maybe I have learned another lesson on here again and not be so upfront with some subjects and THANKYOU for making me think! Now I have a headache!
Quote by corriefem
Hey there may be a few skinny women in here you know whose feelings you may also be hurting ...........................sorry but I think you need to think about how you are saying what you feel about thin women. Models are one thing but in here people are people whatever size they are so although I am certainly not one of them (thin) lets just here it for all women smile :)

Hmmm... I think if you read my posts my beef is with the media and the way they portray larger women.
As I said I've nothing against thinner women at all, or the people that like them, each to their own and live and let live, the important thing is simply that people are happy.
I just don't like the stereotypical "big girl bashing" cos the whole "big is unattractive" crap they come out with is just so not true.
Quote by Vix
I love you.

Me too! :inlove:
But I am with the school of thought that believes that the most sexy women are those who love themselves for being themselves and are happy to share this with others!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx
(I feel a Whitney track coming on!)
Quote by RSAB2
I love you.

Me too! :inlove:
But I am with the school of thought that believes that the most sexy women are those who love themselves for being themselves and are happy to share this with others!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx
(I feel a Whitney track coming on!)
Awwww I'm feeling all loved up. redface
I'm sure the whole "most sexy women are those who love themselves for being themselves" thing is true, but I personally just prefer big girls, they do it for me, simple as that! cool
Quote by Bari
Hmmm... I think if you read my posts my beef is with the media and the way they portray larger women.
As I said I've nothing against thinner women at all, or the people that like them, each to their own and live and let live, the important thing is simply that people are happy.
I just don't like the stereotypical "big girl bashing" cos the whole "big is unattractive" crap they come out with is just so not true.

Heartily agreed, Bari! :thumbup:
I, too, am annoyed at the popular media's opinion on what constitutes "beauty". It probably won't happen any time soon, but I am desperately awaiting the time when the Rubenesque figure comes back into vogue. When I'm out & about, I see so many beautiful women who cover themselves up in dense layers of clothing to conceal what I personally consider to be extremely attractive figures, while the "sticks" walk about with next to nothing on! I just wish the media would treat all sizes and shapes with equal respect and coverage - which, and this is sad to say, might make those "women in hiding" more comfortable with the physical beauty they're blessed with. Of course, this hope is more self-indulgent than altruistic of me, as then I'd get to see more of the type of women I find personally attractive in public! :mrgreen:
~Reese! surprised
ive been reading the posts on this subject and find it intresting.
Im a size 16 and dont have any problem with that.
over the years though ive found that the majority of men whom ive had as friends / lovers have commented they are more turned on by a fuller figure, however...... although they are turned on by it , and want it sexually they are rulled by the opinions of those whom deem that it is a status symbol to have a skinny lady on their arm when being seen out in public.
I do belive its the media that influences this, if the majority of men prefer the fuller figure but singulally they think they must have a thin lady on their arm to gain brownie points with other guys it just dont add up.
I will add that no man ive been with has ever said they wouldnt want to be seen out with me, but have been honest enough to admit to the pride with a thin lady thing.
I think im probally sounding confusing now but i hope you get where im comming from confused
For me it`s just a personal preference, that extends to the guys too. I`ve been both large and slim myself, so I`d hate to think that anyone feels I`m being prejudiced, not after being in the larger group myself! I agree the media doesn`t help matters at all.
Anyone remember the (underwear) advert, showing `real` women? These were women who were supposed to be larger and therefore real...........
They still looked like models! Where was the cellulite?! I`m slimmer now, but I`ve seen `better`, larger figures than mine, simply because they weren`t covered in orange peel! (I hate the orange peel on me!)
....will add that no man ive been with has ever said they wouldnt want to be seen out with me, but have been honest enough to admit to the pride with a thin lady thing.
I think im probally sounding confusing now but i hope you get where im comming from
- nope not confusing I know exactly what you mean
I have been unfortunate to meet someone who actually did come out and say this. Happened a while ago but I'm still hurt by it and it nearly put me off meeting folk on the net for good. Someone I was getting on with really well (I thought) who basically then came out and said that whilst he thought I was really sexy - he didn't want anyone to know how he felt and really wanted to go through life with someone "conventionally attractive" on his arm.
One of the great things in life is that folk are all different and its great that everyone is attracted to different shapes and sizes - but to be dishonest with each other and with yourself is crazy and in my case was very hurtful.
So any genuine voluptophiles wave Hello
Quote by celticq
So any genuine voluptophiles wave Hello

:wave: Well, hello there!!
~Reese! surprised
P.S. Just clicked on your ad link, btw - positively stunning!! :smitten:
So sweet of you - you've sent me off to work with a grin. Thanks
Quote by fem_4_taboo
over the years though ive found that the majority of men whom ive had as friends / lovers have commented they are more turned on by a fuller figure, however...... although they are turned on by it , and want it sexually they are rulled by the opinions of those whom deem that it is a status symbol to have a skinny lady on their arm when being seen out in public.

Thats exactly my point.
Pathetic isn't it...?
Quote by celticq
One of the great things in life is that folk are all different and its great that everyone is attracted to different shapes and sizes - but to be dishonest with each other and with yourself is crazy and in my case was very hurtful.
So any genuine voluptophiles wave Hello

Cetticcq, I've just seen your ad, oh my god I think I'm in love!! :love: :love: :love:
Well, lust at the very least!!! worship
Quote by Bari
Cetticcq, I've just seen your ad, oh my god I think I'm in love!! :love: :love: :love:
Well, lust at the very least!!! worship

That's heartily seconded by me...
:worship: :worship:
Quote by Calista
Having been a size 10 most of my life and being hyper-fit (10k & Cross country running) I've had major heartache after hving children pushed me upto a size 16.
I still look in the mirror and expect to see a thin person looking out sad
I have lost some weight and some of the flabbyness and I'm a 14/16 now (the 16 being my boobs) and do feel a lot more confident. I'll never get down to a 10 again but comments like yours certainly raise my spirits Bari ...
Thank you ( kiss

I am in exactly the same boat as you on this (but older)
I too was only a size 10 until I had my youngest (who is now almost 16).
Until quite recently I hated how I looked - never seeing curves in the mirror, only ever seeing an overweight woman who I didn't recognise at all. It has taken a lot for me to come to terms with the fact that I will never be a size 10, 30yr old again.
Even now I have major lacks in confidence at times.
Posts like Bari's are heartwarming and very welcome.
Also, I showed a pic of what I used to be like at sie 10 to a good mate and he said that he much prefered me as I look now - that was such an ego boost!
Big hugs to all!
Alex x x
Curves are great ... but it depends how you carry them and how you present yourself.
It's one of my pet hates for a woman to use the term BBW to describe herself when she plainly isn't beautiful and isn't taking care of herself. Yeah big can look great, so can slim ... but it isn't a guarantee of beauty and shouldn't be used as an excuse for obesity.
(In my opinion)
Quote by Waterpistol
Curves are great ... but it depends how you carry them and how you present yourself.
It's one of my pet hates for a woman to use the term BBW to describe herself when she plainly isn't beautiful and isn't taking care of herself. Yeah big can look great, so can slim ... but it isn't a guarantee of beauty and shouldn't be used as an excuse for obesity.
(In my opinion)

Very true, WP.
But then again - surely true and lasting beauty comes from within and not from the superficial outer shell.
I would never place myself in any classification. I am just me.
I am a woman who would ideally like to be slimmer than she is but is now resigned to the fact that it won't happen. I am learning to accept myself just how I am - but it is often difficult. I would hope people would like me for who I am and not what my body looks like.
Quote by Waterpistol
Curves are great ... but it depends how you carry them and how you present yourself.
It's one of my pet hates for a woman to use the term BBW to describe herself when she plainly isn't beautiful and isn't taking care of herself. Yeah big can look great, so can slim ... but it isn't a guarantee of beauty and shouldn't be used as an excuse for obesity.
(In my opinion)

Have to agree with this. The implication is "I'm beautiful BECAUSE I'm big" and that's a very aggressive and arrogant position to adopt, in my opinion. It also smacks of self-deception and a rather shallow, superficial view of one's own identity.
Pardon the cliché, but self-praise is no recommendation.
Quote by Alexandra
I would never place myself in any classification. I am just me.
I am a woman who would ideally like to be slimmer than she is but is now resigned to the fact that it won't happen. I am learning to accept myself just how I am - but it is often difficult. I would hope people would like me for who I am and not what my body looks like.

Personally I think you're beautiful inside AND out. Change the outside if it makes you feel better, but leave the inner you alone cos it's just great the way it is. kiss
Awww Ice!
Thank You!!!!
Alex x x
I sometimes wonder did I became a voluptuophile when I feel in love with a voluptuous girl or did I fall in love with her because I was a voluptuophile all along and just didn't know it?
Quote by Waterpistol
Curves are great ... but it depends how you carry them and how you present yourself.
It's one of my pet hates for a woman to use the term BBW to describe herself when she plainly isn't beautiful and isn't taking care of herself. Yeah big can look great, so can slim ... but it isn't a guarantee of beauty and shouldn't be used as an excuse for obesity.
(In my opinion)

This is a good point and very true. Just cos a woman is voluptuous doesn't necessarilly mean she is automatically attractive, I think everyone needs to make a bit of effort, be they large, thin, male, female, whatever.
And equally thin women are not neccesarily unattractive either. I saw a thin woman once that I could have almost fancied! lol
Nah seriously, each to their own, a lot of guys prefer thin women, a lot prefer large women, just as some women prefer tall guys, or blonde guys or whatever, everyone should be free to find whoever or whatever they like attractive.
Its the whole "big girl bashing" from the media that I object to. mad
Big woman and Proud
Slim woman and proud
what differance should it make we are all human at the end of the day. size is an issue in too many folks eyes let people be themself and no one should ever be allowed to Judge anyone based on size.
Big slim who knows what we are well that depends on who is looking
okay . . . . dull personal opinion now follows . . . . .
despite a general fetish for ya size 8 - 10 smaller cup size etc etc . . . . .
several recent ((( site inspired! lol ))) experiences have convinced me of the absolute attractiveness of curves . . . .
it matters not a jot what size you are . . . from 14 to 22 plus . . . ((( my experience is limited . . . :lol: )))
i like a rounded belly . . . . and a curvaceous hip . . . . and general cuddliness . . . and so do most i reckon!
sexy = a state of mind . . . .
neil x x x x x
neil is right, sexy is a state of mind!
i love curvy women,:
tho ive never had the pleasure of having some fun with one :cry: !!
Changing the topic slightly - someone (male) once said to me that the only reason men go for "fat birds" is because they are more grateful for a piece of action! Oh my god.... I swear I could have killed him there and then. The worrying thing is that ALL of his mates agreed with him.
I'm not sure how to take this, I've always had a problem with my weight and how I look but I'm beginning to accept the fact that I'll never be my ideal weight....... I've had lots of compliments on my "ability" in the bedroom area (and out of it biggrin ) so I'm not sure what to think!
Views like Bari's et al make me feel so good about myself and the fact that I don't have to be slim to be attractive makes me positivley glow! So thank you for speaking out about this! passionkiss
Quote by onlyme1981
Changing the topic slightly - someone (male) once said to me that the only reason men go for "fat birds" is because they are more grateful for a piece of action! Oh my god.... I swear I could have killed him there and then. The worrying thing is that ALL of his mates agreed with him.

Us men are stupid in groups; we only become sensible if we're alone. smile
Quote by onlyme1981
Changing the topic slightly - someone (male) once said to me that the only reason men go for "fat birds" is because they are more grateful for a piece of action! Oh my god.... I swear I could have killed him there and then. The worrying thing is that ALL of his mates agreed with him.

That is so totally abhorrent! mad
Must be one of those men who feels they're "God's gift to women". I've had the misfortune of knowing a few of these in my life. The tend to make sweeping generalizations like "blondes are dumb" or "girls with big tits are easy". How sad is that? And, like Roger said, it gets so much worse when they're in the company of like-minded mates. Whenever I found myself in a sitauation where someone was making a comment like that, I would always speak up...if only to let them know that not everyone shared their distorted and prejudicial views.
One of the best comebacks I'd ever heard was from my mate Diana. When she'd overheard a bloke talking about her at a pub, she confidently walked over to him and his group of mates and said, "If my blonde hair means I'm thick, then tell me, what does your small penis mean?" rotflmao
Quote by onlyme1981
I'm not sure how to take this, I've always had a problem with my weight and how I look but I'm beginning to accept the fact that I'll never be my ideal weight....... I've had lots of compliments on my "ability" in the bedroom area (and out of it biggrin ) so I'm not sure what to think!

Personally, I believe this "ideal weight" business is a myth. What's important is how you perceive yourself! As long as you are comfortable with what you see in the mirror, then I'd say you're at your ideal weight! And the self-confidence you'll exude is far sexier than any physical attribute!
Quote by onlyme1981
Views like Bari's et al make me feel so good about myself and the fact that I don't have to be slim to be attractive makes me positivley glow! So thank you for speaking out about this! passionkiss

No need to thank us - we have no choice - it's hard to keep quiet when you encounter true beauty! :mrgreen:
~Reese! surprised