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Big girls and sex appeal...

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SO what is it with the media and this whole big girl hatred?
You'll often see in the Sun or OK Magazine that *insert dull "celebrity" here* has shed a few pounds and looks so much better, but when was the last time some skinny bint gained a few curves and the media said "Dull Celeb has put on a bit of weight, and she looks fantastic for it"?
Now I'm not advocating obesity, and I'm not suggesting that everyone should like big girls, but some women are larger, same as some are taller or some have darker hair, and I for one think they look terrific!
I'm not knocking anyone who prefers slim women, good for you if thats what does it for you, each to their own. But for me personally I want my lover to have breasts, thighs, hips, a tummy...
The sight of a big girl in lingerie or a sexy nightie drives me wild, the way it accentuates the curves, the warmth, the womanliness dammit. Put a thin woman in a sexy nightie and its all straight up and down.
I just don't get this whole obsession with thin = good and large = bad. I saw an advert (it was on a advert I think)that showed a woman before and after losing weight complete with the usual "send us all your money and you could get thin like this" and I honestly preferred the "before". At least she had breasts and hips and shape then, not to mention a smile!
So good luck to all the guys out there that want their girls to look like rakes and spend their life half starved and worrying whether their "arse looks big in this", if thats what works for you then great.
But give me a real woman, one with warmth and zest and curves and life and passion every time. passionkiss
And when she asks me if "her arse looks big in this" I shall say "Oh God yes!!" and take her straight to bed!
Here endeth Bari's rant for this evening! biggrin
Too firkig true here to mate. Bollox to the way we SHOULD be... wouldn't it be a shit place to be.....
That Kate Moss. you'd only have to look at her and she'd snap. That's not sexy, it's suicidal.
:happy: :happy: :happy: kiss
I bet she has a sperm intake to calorie counter in her room too! No wonder she wont even lick a stamp...
Skinny good for the leap off the wardrobe routine?
I decided to just accept what I have or haven't got in the body department.......
I never diet, take no notice of media hype, Im just me........a wysiwyg smile an enjoy it as much as I can!
It aint wot you do its the way that you do it gal...?
Luv em all I do...!
When Ive got the energy I try to do it with a little imagination hehe
Well Bari,round of applause for a good point here.
I myself was a lot bigger than i am now,but for me that was personal,not how others took me but about how i felt about myself(def no stick though!)
I think some of the sexiest women are the bigger ones,if you love yourself and are comfortable and happy in your own skin then others will love you too!!
Well I'm a big girl and I always thought that meant that no one would care about me and no one would fancy me.....boy how wrong I was.....
Now I'm not saying that ALL men fancy me but I haven't had any problems so come on big girls, get out of that closet and be proud.....
Well heres one big girl out the closet!
love peppsxxx
I've always found that larger ladies are way more adventurous and exciting, and I've also noticed quite a few fuller figured ladys on here too...
Backs up my theory a bit maybe...? :P
Having been a size 10 most of my life and being hyper-fit (10k & Cross country running) I've had major heartache after hving children pushed me upto a size 16.
I still look in the mirror and expect to see a thin person looking out sad
I have lost some weight and some of the flabbyness and I'm a 14/16 now (the 16 being my boobs) and do feel a lot more confident. I'll never get down to a 10 again but comments like yours certainly raise my spirits Bari ...
Thank you ( kiss
Well said, Bari.
I prefer a woman with a bit of meat on her bones too. Much nicer to cuddle up to than some of these walking skeletons you see these days. I hate the fact that the media tells women that the thinner they are, the more attractive they are when it's just not true. In many cultures, the fuller figured woman is considered more attractive and rightly so.
So here's to all the big girls out there. May you brighten the lives of those who worship you for years to come...
worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
kiss Don't you just love a woman to look like a woman!!! :kiss:
I find bigger women know how to talk to guys. They often can talk, and that is where they win. Being a pretty bawble is ok, but it is stimulating for a guy to be flattered and feel he is wanted. Women like to be seweet talked and so do guys. I find that the bigger woman is always happy when talked with because she knows how to relax and be herself sexually. Bigger girls ARE more fun and anyone who doubts this will find out in the end. I personally could never feel comfortable with a thin woman because i would always feel they would laugh at me and I would feel too worried about upsetting her when out with the looks from others. I am NO baloon myself, but not a pole, but I love to find the women with a sparkle in their eye because they are the ones who feel most at ease.
I read somewher that larger women have higher sex drives because they have more sex hormones. Seems to be true of me, size 18, and happy!!!
The only thing that spoils life is clothing manufacturers who refuse to make clothes to fit, yet the few that do always seem to sell out of larger sizes quicker than they do the size 10's!!
Quote by Calista
I'll never get down to a 10 again but comments like yours certainly raise my spirits Bari ...
Thank you ( kiss

Well thats fair cos looks like yours always raise my, er... anyway... redface
Quote by TheFacilitator
kiss Don't you just love a woman to look like a woman!!! :kiss:

I've never understood this media facination with the theory that all woman should look like young boys with bits missing.
Give me womanly curves anyday! biggrin
Quote by foxylady 123
I read somewher that larger women have higher sex drives because they have more sex hormones. Seems to be true of me, size 18, and happy!!!

It's certainly been my experience.
And all of my friends who moan that their wives have no sex drives are the ones who are married to skinny bints, go figure! lol
Im a size 16-19 at the minute and have a huge sex drive,but then again ive always had a massive sex drive lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just hope it stays after i loose a bit more confused
Quote by flapjackboy
I hate the fact that the media tells women that the thinner they are, the more attractive they are when it's just not true. In many cultures, the fuller figured woman is considered more attractive and rightly so.

I couldn't agree more. This is exactly what I meant by my very first post, this whole thin is sexy big isn't is entirely media led, magazines, television, newspapers etc etc. Can you imagine them casting Lisa Tarbuck (or an American equivilent) in Friends for example? Not a hope but she's one of the sexiest most attractive women on the planet!
The sad thing is that most of the male population it seems are sheep, and as long as they keep getting told that thin is sexy they'll continue to believe it because there are scarily few people able to think for themselves.
Quote by clarensteve
Im a size 16-19 at the minute and have a huge sex drive,but then again ive always had a massive sex drive lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just hope it stays after i loose a bit more confused

Well from what I can see in the photos Clare you look gorgeous just the way you are.
But saying that if losing a bit of weight makes you feel a little happier then go for it, please don't think I'm trying to say that all women should be big, what I'm saying is that women should be allowed to be the size they are happiest at and sod the media driven thinking.
I do think you look great though... :P
^I agree, I've been out with so many girls that are really worried about their weight and no matter how much you try to drum it into them that there is nothing wrong with the way they are, they take no notice. Its strange how strong a hold the media has over us, even in the sex department!
Super thin girls just don't do it for, more cushin' for the pushin' I say
Well as I always say, when it comes to women I prefer the Bentley approach, rather than the Morgan.
Built for comfort, class and power, rather than speed! lol
Quote by Bari
Well from what I can see in the photos Clare you look gorgeous just the way you are.
But saying that if losing a bit of weight makes you feel a little happier then go for it, please don't think I'm trying to say that all women should be big, what I'm saying is that women should be allowed to be the size they are happiest at and sod the media driven thinking.
I do think you look great though... :P

Your so right,its about how you feel about yourself,when your comfortable and happy it exudes and draws people to you,
I love you.
Clare has always looked mighty fine to me,but since shes lost a lot of weight shes got the confidence to go with it.
So its good to lose weight if its going to make you healthier and give you the confidence you need,as long as you dont go too far.
Heres hoping Clare keeps her curves,as she is just sooooooooo sexy.
I cant really see her ever becoming a stick insect though,it just wouldnt become her
Quote by Vix
I love you.

Awww thanks Vix! biggrin