Oh I can do rough too, have no fear Dollop :twisted:
there's a *thing* about biting for me....
I recognise it from when I was a nipper... >pun intended?..hmmm< in class at school, with one of those erasers in me gob, just nipping it twixt the front teeth, and having an **almost** uncontrolable urge to bite right through!
the same seems to apply now with flesh, as it were...
& I dooo like to make my *tremble*, as it were, with a little nipp-able piece of flesh... know what I mean?
blimey.. this sounds a bit odd....
I'm not sure I like being bitten hard, I liked nibbles etc but I'm a terrible biter, I can be a tad hard for Morbius although he does like it ;) :twisted:
the joy of the 'bite' can be the level of restraint employed... balanced against the desire.