is this question really worth an answer lol
ok then lol
I have 'dated' not swung with guys from various places around the world africa, asia, caribbean for me it was purely physical attraction not the colour of their skin...
I must admit to bein a tad curious of the well known myth but that was soon put to rights all men regardless of race,colour creed come in all sizes n shapes... polite way of sayin sorry it just aint true lol
i suppose people have different reasons, and assumptions for wanting to do it
....kind of like people thing 'slender' and 'toned' women are the only ones good in bed whilst the rest of us are 'cabbagy smelling haridans' :giggle:
I am saying nothing...... nada.... nowt... zilch... squadush...... :gagged:
although I'll be watching and taking notes........
I would guess that it is different for each and every woman, just like the reasons we are all here are, I guess, all different.
Black guys .....
I have dated a black guy but probably wont swing with one, unless I meet him in a club maybe. I have nothing against any race / colour swinging but it annoys me when black guys think because they are black I will want to meet them .... why start off an email to me telling me your black ? I dont care what colour you are, I want to know if you'll make me smile and more importantly if we meet we'll have fun - not if your white, black or anything in between.
Think if the email is good enough for me to click onto a profile I'll be able to figure out what colour you are myself
Don't black guys have big dicks?
I have dated black guys and white guys,I have swung with black guys and white guys
I don't see or seek a colour....personality,a physical attraction and a message that sparks an interest in me is far more important
who cares about black guys!? what about hot asian guys? thats muuuuuch more interesting, nest pas?
We thought we'd try and put an answer to this perplexing question - something stylish, witty and which provoked a little thought amongst the forum followers; but when it comes right down to it we find ourselves really quite unable to provide the definitive reason for Chilli's preference for the darker skinned guy.
We have played with all shapes, sizes, creeds and skin colours over the last couple of years and had a fair mixture of good, bad and really atrocious meets, and so we can speak with a deal of experience when we say that the ones that were the best were also the ones that made us laugh. These are the ones that we would be happy to meet with socially and playfully. These are the ones we would be happy to meet again (and have).
Maybe Chillis preference is a shallow thing built into her mind processes when it comes to selecting potential meets.
Maybe it's just a love of the contrast between her lily white skin and the dark flesh of a playmate.
maybe it's the love of the 'black attitude' (we're sure there's a better way of describing this but can't think of it right now - apoligies to anyone taking offence at this gross generalisation)
Maybe it's a pursuit/danger/culture thing going on - out in this neck of the woods coloured guys are still pretty rare and therefore represent an exotic/erotic prize.
The truth is we just don't know why Chilli has this leaning towards black guys.
But we do know that in the end a good meet or bad meet won't be decided by the guys skin colour - it will hang very much on his sense of humour and confidence - make us laugh and no matter your colour/creed/size/appearance and we'll like you too.
PS - the black guy = huge dick thing - it really is a myth
I think familiarity has a lot to do with it. ie there are more black people than other nationalities, one is more likely to come in contact with them and then get to know them better. I haven't seen an advert with a preference for eskimoes for example. they just aren't about in the UK, so no one's going to hanker after them. I particularly like sundays in London, the churches with black people in their sunday best have some fine looking men and women.
Also I think the sexual attractions of black guys is to do with being one of the things to consider sexually, when one is developing one's sex life. Before one goes onto say s&m or fetish or anything else; perhaps.
Do you want me to get all feminist theory and talk about the hypermasculinity theory? Or shall I go down the historical route and cite miscegenation and the legacy of slavery? How about the sexual stereotyping of black males in interracial sex? Plenty of academic articles to peruse on that topic if you'd like me to send you some?
Of course, you could accept that some people 'just do' like having sex with people from a variety of ethnic or racial backgrounds. And if they are advertising specifically for black men, then they're not looking for you.
What's the title of that new film and I'll paraphrase a little... oh yes: perhaps they're just not that into you.
Nola x