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Bluexx's nice arse

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6 watchers
Quote by dundeecpl
bluexxx you can have my ass if I can vote for yours :twisted: wink :twisted: :wink:

I thought you'd already given your ass away to blue at her party. How greedy can you get? dunno
Well, she didn't get mine 'cos I made sure I was sitting on it all the time (but don't tell her or I guess I could be in trouble next month) :shock: :shock: :shock:
Say hiya to Gill
Quote by bluexxx
I think you are skating on thin ice

A rather appalling prospect from my point of view :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
I think you are skating on thin ice.... what you you reckon!
Well blue what can i say?... as much as findy is indeed on dodgy ground here i also feel the urge to say that he has a point... you do have a gorgeous arse wink
(all said at the risk of blue suddenly getting the urge to kick magik in the nuts)
I voted for Jadie's even though I can't see it. I ant Blue's back! And I want it now!!
Quote by Clare_Lincs
Blue,just put it back on,you know you want to lol

I'll vote for that. The forum does not seem the same without blues original asstar, opps I ment avatar.
Quote by Findy
I think her ass is great what you think??

Her ass is great but not as nice as mine lol
I see this debate is still raging. Well, actually, if you want the original avatar back I will put it back. I'm sure the little blue dog will be glad to make a return. As for Jadie, she is annoyed that she is not winning, and she has promised that I will NEVER get my arse back now cos you guys have been mean to her.
What can I say except that Jadie is one mean rat! sad
Much better selection here:

I printedTHE bum, for my own personal use, of course.
Or not
"The briefcase or file you are seeking does not exist."
Ah Jon Jon... it certainly does exist, but unless you're a member of the group you won't be able to see it :doh: . Jomus is quite right, I don't know why there is so much fuss about that bum pic, there are much better ones, they're just too rude to display as avatars! redface
never had the pleasure,
sure its very nice
and in the right place smile
I've gotta say its made me drool a couple of times!!