Hi all, i'm quite to new to all this and wanted to ask a question to those in the know. I'm all curves, which I love, but I do have some horrible scars and stretch marks on my stomach after having my child. I feel compelled to tell potential partners...Am I being silly? Don't want to disappoint anyone? What do you think?
Attraction takes many forms
Many of us don't like things about ourselves, I don't like what I see in the mirror, others have paid me compliments
You may find some people have an issue with it, others may not care at all, I'm sure most men, if they have an ounce of savvy, would understand that a number of women have stretch marks, I don't think you are being silly, I just think you are being overcautious
I know you guys are all right, once you get into the swing of things (no pun intended) it doesn't matter. I'm probably more sensitive than I need to be, thanks xx
Just pop 50 miles due south and we'll let you know :twisted:
And :welcome: to the Cafe!
I was once told by a male friend that the male species are programmed to focus on all the delicious parts of their partner's body so unlikely to have any attention span left to critically look for inperfections. However if you start pointing them out you completely break the spell.
Not a single soul on this earth is without blemish, be proud of what you've got.
I've lost a lot of confidence lately, through one thing or another, and I know what you mean.
If I were with someone new, I would feel embarrassed about various bits of me.
But - then again, if I was looking at a new person, everything about a new person is just part of them, it's what makes them interesting, whether it's stretch marks, scars, mis-shaped bits or whatever.
Good luck :thumbup:
feeling better already, thanks everybody xx
i have stretch marks scars flabby bits droopy bits fatty bits think to a certain extent we all have but id much prefer to play with someone who has scars etc because it sorta shows they are real just like me and personally i aint into the flawless barbie doll look
like its already been said, i think we all have something we dont like about ourselves, sometimes its lots of things and then it might be onlyone depending on mood and how we are feeling
no everyone is going to like the same thing and i know i am not everyones cup of tea whichi s fine, not everyone is mine, thats what makes us human
being a large girl i didnt believe anyone would want to be with me when i was first around, how wrong was i, just do what you feel comfortable with and with who you feel comfortable with the rest will fall into place.
Earthy xxx
I think alot of people feel that they are not happy about something on their body but you will soon find out from alot on here that most arnt interested in stuff like that, I remeber when we first started swinging and i was very self concious about my body but ive just about got over it now, im a bit self concious about my boobs since i had boob job ive got scars underneath so tend to leave bra on or take it off when dark.
also a couple we know have been thinking about going to a club with us and she wont go cos she thinks everyone will be size 10 supermodels and she feels that she is too larger lady, I have tried to tell her that there are all shapes and sizes that go but until she does it for herself then she will probably continue to feel this way